Project: catch the theiving scrumpers!

30 Sep 2006
Midlands, UK
Hi all,
hope this is the right forum to post in.
I'm thinking of starting a little webcam surveillance project for our house.
We keep getting the local kids hopping into the garden to try and scrump our apples, despite me telling them off AND telling them the apples won't be ready til october.
So, thinking about putting cameras up but don't want to go crazy expensive.
I have a couple of Rasp Pi2's that i use for Kodi, but could easily use one for this project.
Maybe up to 4 cameras around the grounds (internally) that can record onto SD or NAS storage, possible motion detected too. Would explore external cameras too if they exist for Pi2 projects.
Ideally accessing webcams via IP (from work) would be what i'm looking for.

Anyone got any advise? Done similar. I've no experience with linux btw.

I know i could buy an ad-hoc kit from maplins etc, if its cheap enough then i'm open to suggestions.

Thanks. :D
Lol, got 2 dogs. They'd lick them to death.
I'm only bothered that:
a) don't want them trespassing when i've told them to keep out,
b) if they get hurt, i don't want to be blamed as there are some dodgy rockery and slabs near the tree that could easily maim someone :(

But really none the above is a big issue, its just a bit of motivation to actually have a crack at setting a surveillance system up that won't cost the earth.
Lol, all good suggestons, however this isn't GD, so some on-topic advice amidst the anticipated trolling would be appreciated.
Lets go for a ratio 2:1 trolling:serious. Sound ok to you?
Goody! :D
The Rasp Pi would do the job with "MotionPie", if you have a spare webcam (or more) lying around.

It doesn't need any linux experience. you just install it to your SD card as you would with OpenElec or similar, then find the IP address of the MotionPie via your router, throw that IP address into your web-browser and bob's your uncle.

I set mine up 3 weeks ago to monitor the back door (RaspPi and webcam in the shed pointing out the window). For the most part it works great but the motion detection is a bit iffy.

I installed openelec using the noobs SD card. Not sure how to install anything that isn't on noobs :(
Lol, ok all lets forget the bit about kids scrumping grumpy Joe's apples.
Any other advise on how to monitor the property with multiple webcams accessible via IP.

edit: the kids are between 3-7 yrs old. I don't want them hurting themselves and me being sued. Some of the people round our end are like that.
Told them to their face "Do not come into our garden again, or i'll tell your parents"
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