This is my first P.C build.

Case Silverstone TJ07. I was thinking of getting either this or the Corsair 800D mainly for it's easier cable management.
So glad i choose the Silverstone it's such a nice looking case.

Already Fitted LG Blu-ray drive and NZXT fan display.

Fitted the motherboard mainly to see how i'm going to sort all the wires out.

Crazy cats come out to see what's going on. Mad eyes.

Fitted the cpu and ram and mounted Raystorm Watercool block.

Fitted Motherbaord and Corsair AX1200 to the case. Also fitted 2 Bitfinix fans in the top and an akasa UV light.

Fitted the GPU's.

Fitted the Watercooling tube, the pump a four way rad with 4 rear fans.

I used Mayhem's Aurora Tharsis Red for the coolant.

Here's a video of the effect it gives, only lasted two weeks so i wudn't bother using it. Stunning effect though, really nice.
Think there working on one which does last longer, will see.
Left it running for almost 24 hours.

Fitted a 1 bay NZXT fan sensor.

Fitted four Enermax fans to the front of the rad.

Fitted red LED's to the cpu block. Looks much nicer.

Replaced single NZXT to another duel bay fan display.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Fitted a GTX 680 backplate.

Attached the SSD's. They wern't sticking solid with the tape so i took it back off and used velcro, no movement at all now.

Watching my every movement lol.

And that's it at present. Will probably add a third 680 to it.
I just don't like that ugly gap.