lol sorry, got it built but was sooooo busy -.- but its done
and it all works and nothings blown up (yet!)
i got bored while i was waiting for the IO Shield to come so i put some MX4 on my 4670 As it's going in another machine,
Pic0244 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
Pic0241 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
Pic0239 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
Pic0238 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
Pic0240 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
got a nice shot of the back,
Pic0236 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
all clean!
Pic0242 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
wasnt sure on how much to use, but i didnt want to put too little on lol
Pic0243 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
heres the case with the old stuff (the athlon 4400+ etc) which will go in another case and have the 4670 inside it,
Pic0250 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
as i pulls it out, all over my hand... only been running a few months!?!?!? Me Tinkz i be having wordz with my mumzie
Pic0249 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
cleaned it and put it back, the inside:
Pic0251 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
the beautiful:
Pic0252 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
everything out, a nice case, good airflow, amazing price...
Pic0253 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
mobo cpu & ram in, all was going okay so far
Pic0256 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
maybe it would help if i put the IO Shield in first?
Pic0254 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
yet again, not too sure on how much to use
heard a BB size was fine?
Pic0257 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
mmmmm pretty much the extent of my photography skill in taking beauty shots
Pic0258 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
Pic0259 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
everything in and wired up, one thing that stumped me was the USB headers on the MOBO, i have 4 front pannel USB's and a Card reader, meaning 3 USB headers needed, I only found 2? lol so i only got 2 working USB's on the front pannel and my memory card ready, nothing to cry about, most of the time i dont even use 3 USB's its just a nice thing to have
Pic0266 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
wrahhh! cable managment
Pic0268 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
one thing that anoyyed me is when zalman made the case they made it with the pop out brackeds, annoying lol now look -.- had to take then out the old case, Do OCUK sell them?
Pic0263 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
Pic0266 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
well, it started up fine!
Pic0271 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
love the fact the LCD Poster is blue
Pic0269 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
Pic0270 by
bobo11223, on Flickrr
Pannel shots:
Pic0272 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
Pic0273 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
time for build 2!
first job was to fix the broken power switch -.- likkle it of swoldering
Pic0247 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
openend the GX650, mmmm that new smell
Pic0276 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
Pic0277 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
quickly put everything in:
Pic0275 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
and couldnt be bothered with cable managment
she's a pretty old thing
Pic0278 by
bobo11223, on Flickr
last thing was to unlock and overclock the 6950
all went okay:
6950 Overclock by
bobo11223, on Flickr