Project: Move it - 700D mod

6 Mar 2008
scotland (born in wales)!
Hi, time for my second case mod. I've had my 700D case now for nearly 3 months so i think it's time to mod it!!.

So here's what i want to do with it. I will move the psu from the bottom to the top of the case, and remove the bottom hard drive cage to leave room for two 360 rad's at the bottom. I have looked at other people's 700D mod's but did not see any with the psu at the top.

So i bought a lian li psu bracket for the job.

So this is how it look's now with only one rad from my previous build.

Then hopefully i will get rid of the big loop to each Gfx card with this when it comes out next month.


Any comment's or ideas welcome :)
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Which rads will you be using? To get two 360's in the bottom means standing them on edge I would have thought, and from experience rads like the Thermochill are too wide to stand on edge without modding the bottom divider or cutting out the bottom of the case for extra height.
They are two Thermochill 360's. I think i will mod the bottom divider it only needs about an extra 2mm of room.
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They are two Thermochill 360's. I think i will mod the bottom divider it only needs about an extra 2mm of room.

Modding the bottom divider is not to be taken lightly, especially when trying to fit two 360's in there. I considered rasing this myself to fit a Thermochill on its side down there but it is really quite awkward to dismantle and it has an annoying lip you would have to dremel off the entire length of the divider. And you also have to cut a bit off the bottom of the upper hard drive housing as well to allow the divider to move up. It could end up looking messy. It would be probably be better just to lose the divider altogether.

Or you do something similar to what I did, you could fit a vertical 360 there with some extra dremeling, although you would probably lose 3 drive bays.

Modding the bottom divider is not to be taken lightly, especially when trying to fit two 360's in there. I considered rasing this myself to fit a Thermochill on its side down there but it is really quite awkward to dismantle and it has an annoying lip you would have to dremel off the entire length of the divider. And you also have to cut a bit off the bottom of the upper hard drive housing as well to allow the divider to move up. It could end up looking messy. It would be probably be better just to lose the divider altogether.

Or you do something similar to what I did, you could fit a vertical 360 there with some extra dremeling, although you would probably lose 3 drive bays.

Thanks for the advice on the lower divider, i removed the divider and the rads just fit.:D

The rads need a good clean and a re-spray.

I'm in two minds to leave out the lower divider or not, What do you think?

All marked out for cutting, best think i bought is a Dremel :D

All cut out, just waiting for the other parts to show up.


Phobya Balancer 250 Black Nickel
Fan Grills for the door's
Acrylic sheet for the window i'm going to make
I'm in two minds to leave out the lower divider or not, What do you think?

I personally would put some kind of division plate back in, maybe a rectangle of matt black acrylic. And I also personally would lose the red, it looks a bit odd in the bottom compartment somehow, compared to the top. Handy gap for the pump as well.
I personally would put some kind of division plate back in, maybe a rectangle of matt black acrylic. And I also personally would lose the red, it looks a bit odd in the bottom compartment somehow, compared to the top. Handy gap for the pump as well.

They need a respray anyway so might as well paint them black. I've got some old ali sheet left over perhaps i could use that then paint it matt black.
Small update


Psu all fitted and looking good if i do say myself:p


Divider fitted just need to put 2 holes in for the pipe's then spray it matt black.



A few shots with the divider in, with the rad's and pump.


Feel free to comment on my work. :)
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I like that, are you getting it powdercoated or just normal automotive paint?

Some nice competitor advertising in the bottom second pic
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So as you can see i've been very busy today. Side panel window marked up ready for cutting.

Half way through cutting.

All done cutting the window next the slot for the air intake.

Blow hole trim fitted looks better already.:)

Fillpot fitted, i've painted the lower divider aswell it's in shed drying will get more pic's up tomorrow.

Still to do list.

Cut back panel vent
Cut modding mesh for side panel's (the grill's i ordered didn't look right)
Cut window sheet to size (when it finally turns up)
Fit res and all other bit's and pieces

Thanks for taking the time to read my project log :)
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