Project: Noob

28 Feb 2011
After always buying 'off the shelf' machines and constantly being disapointed. I have decided, after plenty of reading of the Overclockers UK Forum and the feedback I'd already received around some of the questions I've already asked it's time to get stuck into a build.

For a starting point I've selected the pre-overclocked i7 950 @4.0 GHz, 6GB Corsair DDR3 with the A50 cooler. I think this will keep me sustained for sometime until I gain enough confidence to look into water cooling.

The athetics of the design are important to me also, for this reason the 800D was an obvious choice with AX750 PSU.

P1000707 by AdamNardone, on Flickr

Check back for updates soon.
Currently (oddly you might say) 2 x BFG GTX 260 O/C in SLI. I have a 260 that isn't that old and have managed to acquire another identical one for not a lot of dollar.
As I see it, the two cards in SLI will give me the same sort of performance as the later cards without having to take out a 2nd mortgage. (The first mortage was to buy the case!). LOL! :D
Thanks for the info guys. Have turned the cooler around. Pictures to follow in the morning once I get time to transfer them to Flickr.
Had to take a quick picture and post.

Untitled by AdamNardone, on Flickr

Have repositioned the CPU cooler fan. The theory now is the case fan draws air in across the heat sink and is ejected the other side by the repositioned fan which is subsequently blown up and out by the fan on the lower shelf.
I guess this is basic stuff but the is Project: Noob after all. I will be adding 3 more fans to the top of the case as additional exhaust before running also.


The standard convention with cpu cooler fans is to have the fans blowing out of the back of the case... that fan behind the cooler should be an exhaust and the cpu fan should be blowing towards that...

1) cpu fan on the right of the cooler blowing air through the cooler and out the back
2) cpu fan on the left of the cooler sucking air through the cooler and out the back
3) cpu fan on both left and right blowing and sucking air through the cooler and (yes you guessed it) out the back!
looks interesting so far to add to what enigma said, each fan should somewhere on the body have a couple of arrows to show you which way airflow will move through it depending on orientation ;)
looks interesting so far to add to what enigma said, each fan should somewhere on the body have a couple of arrows to show you which way airflow will move through it depending on orientation ;)

Thanks for the heads up. That's one of those 'little things' I wasn't sure about.
A couple more pictures from last nights session.

Preparing the drives for the Hot Swap bays.

Untitled by AdamNardone, on Flickr

I love the way the 800D's cable management system hides litteraly everything!

Untitled by AdamNardone, on Flickr

Preparing for SLI (Hurry up DPD!).

Untitled by AdamNardone, on Flickr

Thanks for watching. Also, if anyone sees anything wrong. Please speak up!
Hey thanks Liam,

I'm pretty happy with it. I've got a few extra fans and a bit more UV light action to order and put in but she's running like a dream at the moment. :D
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