Project - Not so special mini ITX build

7 Oct 2008
Since we decorated our lounge earlier in the year my PC was deemed "too ugly" to be in the lounge. In fairness it was on a horrible IKEA desk, and was a pretty large Antec 300 gaming case. So it was relegated to the garage which I recently had electric routed into. During the summer that's all fine and well but as the nights are drawing in and temperatures are dropping, it's basically a place I'd rather not be spending my time. I mainly use the Macbook Air in the house in our shiny new glass desk, however it's not really up to the task of running games that are less than 10 years old. So I decided what I needed was something small, but powerful.

The obvious choice seemed to be a mini ITX build. They're becoming quite popular as gaming machines now, probably as they're easy to take to LAN parties etc. However it also seems ideal for what I'm looking to do, have a small machine for gaming in the house. With that in mind I went about collecting up the following parts this weekend, hopefully for delivery tomorrow.

Antec ISK 600 Gaming Cube Case
Possibly not the best looking case ever, but it's well build, brushed aluminium, and not very big. However you can still fit an ITX board in there, a large graphics card, watercooling and more hard drives than I'll ever need to use.

MSI Z97I Gaming AC
One of the best mini ITX boards around at the moment, based on the newest Z97 chipset. It has USB 3, Sata 6, and supports overclocking, particularly via multipliers, which is going to be important for me. It's actually overkill for what I'm building, bit I'd rather spend a little more and future proof the board, as it's going to outlast the CPU. I also got it quite a bit cheaper than Amazon advertised.

Corsair Hydro H80 Cooler
Any self respecting overclocker is going to need a watercooling loop, and I'm lazy and can't be bothered piping together a proper one from scratch. This should be more than enough for my needs. My PC currently has the H50 in it which is fantastic, however I don't have the necessary plates to port it over to another motherboard, it's currently cooling my AMD Phenom X4 955 Black Edition.

And lastly...

Intel Pentium K Anniversary G3258
I don't think I need to tell people on here about this chip, it's basically the overclocking bargain of the year, google it and look at the reviews yourself. It'll overclock by around 50% which means well over 4Ghz, on a £50 chip!! Reviews are pretty positive. Yeah a high end I5/I7 CPU is going to beat it, but they cost over 4 times as much! If it's value for money you want, this is the one to go for. Plus, I can just replace it later on as I bought a decent motherboard. This bad boy is why I needed watercooling.

the rest of the parts I'm going to take from the PC I already have in the garage.

64GB SSD drive
2TB hard drive
8GB of Corsair memory, can't remember which
2GB MSI GTX760 TwinFroz

Quite looking forward to seeing how the machine pans out :D

*** Dont hotlink images please *** - Will Gill
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I'm contemplating adding some ventage to the side so that the GFX can get some cooler outside air into it, and out of the back. Also relying on the fact it comes with a very good cooler on it. All the reviews have indicated that it keeps everything inside cool enough, obviously it's not the best case around but I was working to a £200 budget.

Reckon the case would look better painted white?
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Only a small update. I tried to save money ordering the motherboard from a place that shall remain un-named, from their discounted warehouse section, hoping it would just be a damaged box. Sadly it's a used board with half the bits missing. Needless to say it's being returned for a refund. I popped out in the car yesterday and drove to pick up a new motherboard, but unfortunately the case never arrived. Should get it today hopefully!
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