Project Patio

1 Mar 2003
Cotham, Bristol
We are planning on converting what used to be a very large ugly fish pond into a patio area, step 1 was to knock the fish pond down and push all the rubble into the middle. See below


We'd like to use different slabs to the paved area that already exists to set it apart, what I'm struggling to comprehend is how in the hell are we going to get everything to the right level so that we can lay the new slabs. I've been trying my best to break up the concrete blocks into little pieces with a sledge hammer but it's not easy!
I did this 2 years ago before the little one arrived. I knocked the old pond walls into the pit as you did but maybe left them a little lower. Smashed as many as i could with a lump hammer and sds chisel drill. Then went B&Q got some subbase bags and sharp sand. Used these to get the right height and level then got some paving slabs (poor octavia was on its arse). I didnt bother with a compacter as i'm only going to be walking on them.

Put some paving slab mix down (i skimped on this in hind sight but never caused any issues) then put the slabs down.

2 years down the line i'm still waiting for them to sink in but they havent budged so im going to get round to pointing them sometime.
You need to lay out some levels first, using wooden pegs, at finished level of hardcore first, remembering there will be another 60mm or so to add depending on thickness of slabs & mortar bed.
I alway have one peg marked with two lines one for finish height of hardcore & finished patio height.

Buy your sand,sub base, etc loose 'Jumbo Bags' from a builder merchant, you have 'Kellaways' in Bristol, but you might find cement works out cheaper from Wickes, Mastercrete £4:56p per bag, if you buy five bags.
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Damn it I decided I needed to break up those concrete blocks a bit more to lower the level, so I set about bashing the hell out of it with a sledgehammer, handle broke off! Damn it oh well I have a spare, few minutes later same thing happens to that one!
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