Project QR code linked feedback form

5 Apr 2004
I work in the NHS as an anaesthetist and part of our job is teaching others various clinical skills. Over time this process has become more formalised to the point that we now have to provide evidence of teaching at our annual review, normally evidence of teaching is in the form of written feedback. However, because a lot of it is bedside and impromptu we aren't carrying around feedback forms. I was thinking it would be nice to have a QR code linked feedback form for a specific clinical teacher. I started down the google forms path, however, I'm not an expert so I just wanted to ask the experts here, what's the best way to do this?

Outline of the project:
each clinician has a QR code (printed out and stuck to their badge) which links to their feedback form
ideally the feedback is anonymous therefore:
- the feedback form's data should be extracted automatically to a spreadsheet
-the department's secretaries have access to the spreadsheet and when the clinician needs to provide evidence for their review they can collect the anonymised data (alternatively it would be good to automate this step but unsure how)


What's the best way to achieve this, ideally for free, anonymous, automated, reliable, long-lasting and modifiable (in terms of user's being able to edit the questions on their feedback forms)?

edit: I have a website on wordpress so potentially I could integrate such a system into this website to move away from the google forms system but the advantage of google forms is that I can extract the data from a form to a spreadsheet. Perhaps someone knows of plugins for a website that could do the same?
Last edited:
5 Apr 2004
This was the route I was heading down, just wanted to check it's the best way before I dedicated too much time to it.

How do you mean re: allowed the phones? We all have our personal phones on us all the time. So long as the feedback form doesn't contain patient data then it shouldn't breech patient confidentiality.
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