Project: Red Corpse

29 Jul 2011
Near Northants / MK

Red Corpse is going to be my very first from scratch build, and as I'm confident
were going water! The build is going to be based on a Antec Skeleton build, its
currently going to include the below specs:
I'd just like to say thanks to Stulid and KiiYzOo (I think thats right) :D
CPU: i5 2500k
Motherboard: Asrock Fatal1ty P67 Professional
Graphics: EVGA GTX 460 Superclocked
Case: Antec Skeleton
CPU Block: Nickel Acetal CPU Waterblock
Pump: EK DCP 2.2 Pump
Res: EK 2.2 Res
Tubing: Masterkleer Red UV Tubing
Rad: Undecided.
Fluid: Mayhems UV Red
Fittings: EK Compression Fitting 7/16

See you soon
So a box arrived, I oppened it and found these inside:

I unboxed the main things and put in the CPU into the motherboard.

That is all. See you soon :D
If you get stuck at all and need a second set of hands give me a shout of your not too far from the NN2 area of northampton, I'd be happy to help.

Should be a nice looking build when your done.
Just a quick update. I've just ordered the case from another company.

I've also ordered a few of the watercooling essentials and the Graphics and the RAM and not forgetting the Hard Drive. I'm going to try get as high as I can on the stock cooler then switch to water the same day. :D So Tuesday is going to be a busy day for me.
Because the cash point wasn't helpful at all and I didn't know if it had cleared properly :D

Who is the courier of the case company? :D Royal Mail?

I'm going to do a full boot on air and make sure everything works properly and then I'm going water.

The water post may be up a day later it depends if I have time or not.
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If it comes during the day, I'm screwed, cause I'm at school and mums at work. D: I will just have go get it. DPD brought mine at 5PM so I'm hoping they do again
So what's the case going to look like matey? lets see some renderings, or at the very least rough sketches.

V excited as the Skelly is something of a favourite of mine, and quite a few others around here, so anything that uses it as inspiration is an automatic thumbs up
Its going to be an ongoing project right past Christmas.

My main plan is to have 2x GTX 460 Watercooled, 3 Rads for aesthetic reasons.

I've taken some inspiration from your skelly cause it looked fab and so did KiiYzOo's.

The 3 Rads may turn into just 2 on either side.
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