Project Snowblind

Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
Just completed this and thought I'd see what others thought of it. My take:

-Definite nod in the direction of Deus Ex:IW with augs, computer hacking, heavy use of EMP etc... the cyberpunk folklore is out in full force
-Performance is extremely good, typically 100-300fps
-Easy to pick up and play, nice action-packed first level to get the heart pumping and introduce you to the weaponry
-Some of the cutscenes are OK
-Fighting alongside squadmates is always fun.
-Physics work well considering it doesn't appear to be using anything fancy like PhysX/Havoc

-Heavily dumbed down with nearly all the RPG elements of DX:IW stripped out
-Textures are very blurry for some reason, perhaps due to being an Xbox port. The whole thing looks very washed out.
-Quite a short game, only 18 levels of which at least 5 are very small. Took me less than 6 hours to complete
-Difficulty a bit on the easy side, the traps are easy to circumvent.
-Levels play out in a very linear fashion, right down to your route being blocked until you complete an objective and then a pillar miraculously collapses for you to walk across.
-Vehicles feel rather tacked on, to be fair few FPS games do it well but you wonder why they bothered.
-Storyline is very forgettable. It's not entirely clear what the hell you are actually trying to achieve half the time.

Overall it was probably more enjoyable than the above suggests, but it's not hard to see why they discarded the links to Deus Ex, as it's not in remotely the same league as the sequel, never mind the original.
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