Project "Square"

26 Oct 2004
Hi folks,

In the interest of pushing myself I have undertaken a project to shoot in square format - or more precisely to crop into a square format as many as possible of my photographs for the rest of the year and then to present them as a gallery, and maybe a photo book.

Take a look at how it's shaping up HERE

I will be updating as I go along, would love to hear your thoughts.


The main reason I wanted to do it was I noticed how pretty much every one of my photos had a different aspect ratio. Not bad per se but they do look a bit odd when put together so I thought imposing a standard would be fun - it has been so far!
The main reason I wanted to do it was I noticed how pretty much every one of my photos had a different aspect ratio. Not bad per se but they do look a bit odd when put together so I thought imposing a standard would be fun - it has been so far!

That just comes down to editing discipline. But for most things it really doesn't matter unless you want to present a single albums of an event, e.g. wedding.

One thing I wish light room had the ability to do was offer multiple crop options for a single photo. I will often have a photo that I will crop to 16:9 for optimal view on my screen or TV where most photos are displayed, but if I want to print the photo then I will either go back to 3:2 or want to go wider, typically 2:1, and some print sizes might make other ARs work out better, e.g. 5:4.

For reference, the share for at film was typically cropped to the desired aAR in the darkroom, and would allow optimal portrait or landscape orientations without the need to rotate the camera which was never easy on old tripods.
One thing I wish light room had the ability to do was offer multiple crop options for a single photo. I will often have a photo that I will crop to 16:9 for optimal view on my screen or TV where most photos are displayed, but if I want to print the photo then I will either go back to 3:2 or want to go wider, typically 2:1, and some print sizes might make other ARs work out better, e.g. 5:4.

It does, unless I'm misinterpreting you. You can create virtual copies of the same photo (Right Click -> Create Virtual Copy), each can have their own processing and crop etc.
It does, unless I'm misinterpreting you. You can create virtual copies of the same photo (Right Click -> Create Virtual Copy), each can have their own processing and crop etc.

You might be right, I'm a complete LR noob, can't check right now as my imac has joined silicon heaven.
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