Project: The Upgrade

25 Jan 2006
Gateshead, Newcastle

after finishing my v300 case i decided i wanted to go full size (not that i needed to or anything just im greedy and wanted a tripple rad lol)

so here is my build log/build pics

pc will have the following specs..

G70 Black - White Powder internals - Mobo Cuts - 120.3 in the roof - 120.2 in the floor (where the hdd rack is/was)
850W Galaxy
Asus P5E
Q6600 @ 3.6
4GB of G.Skill PC8000
Radeon 3870X2 (with Acetal EK Block)
2x DDC Ultra w/ Alphacool tops
EK Supreme
2x XSPC BayRes (Black Front)
Black feser in one loop and clear in the other
White & UV tubes / dual look im going for, black and white & blue and white/purple

I should be taking delivery of my case soon so will show some pics and stuff.

i'll be re-braiding the psu & ALL other wires and trying to cut down on wires as much as possible.

Keep your eyes peeled for some updates :)

Thanks for looking
Okay as with my previous build log i'll be as detailed as possible with descriptions but the pictures normally speak for them selves.


removing sata connections (a right pain without snapping them)


taking off the old braiding as far as i could without taking the PSU apart


first part of braid done, i think it looks infinately better than the old stuff


other end of the braid


few more shots




fans on the controller that i had linked together, sorry i didnt get any more pics of this i was too engrosed in doing the fans


controller again - without the flash to show the fans spinning from one header


the mess


more mess

more mess


mess again LOL


INVERVAL - Half healthy meal


3 fans on the shroud


in the case :)


more shots of the case:




thats all for now. more wiring and braiding to do soon. and possibly the actual components going in tomorrow. but not sure yet

StevenG - Comments Please
Well ive just got up (lazy i know) and thought i'd just tell you that the rest of the PSU is still to be done but needs a special tool which i have on order and should be here tomorrow.

in the mean time im going to be wiring some leds together for my pumps and res's - a little questions CAN LEDs BE RUN OFF A FAN CONTROLLER?

also need to extend the rear fan and i'll probably braid the internal cables of the case, switches, usb etc

watch this space for more updates :)

teeny tiny update:


block mount is now white :)

not much to update today more briaiding went on some LED wiring, i'll get some pics of the final stuff later, having some clearence issues with the poweder coating so having to sand those down to get some parts in.

Looks good mate, will pleased to see how it looks when it's done.

Just out of intereest, how you finding those Sony Speakers ??

they're good, quite bassy so i havent had them up full but they are quite loud!

should be good when its done, quite looking forward to it, received some more supplies today for MORE braiding so should have some pics of the finished PSU should be up soon.

still waiting on the tubing being delivered for it to be finished.

due to the time it takes to do some of the tasks that needed to be done i didnt have any time to take any pictures, but i'll take some of the finished parts soon, i managed to braid my full PSU (anyone thinking about doing this DONT!!!! its a nightmare)

i have had a problem with my rad not fitting in the top so ive got a new panel coming so i'll get some pictures of the new panel with the rad and fans fitted.

i've still got some braiding to do (theres LOADS of it) anyone who wants to briad everything, order 3 times what you think you'll need!

i'll be converting my X2 over to the waterblock once my new panel arrives.

Heres a picture of the case as it stands at the moment.



comments please!

Looking good, the black components on the white background work really well, nice one


yeah i think it looks really smart and neat. i think the white cpu block mount should add a little something to all the black in the middle.

i'm waiting on some 3 pole switches to get my cathodes wired up

i guess the whole build is on hold till i get parts. hopefully my top will be here tomorrow but if not its going to be tuesday

Okay the 2nd last update i think. the only thing left to do is put the cathodes in (need to rma a set first as they dont appear to work.) and need to wait on my side panel coming.


black coils in


both coils in. think it looks quite good


closer pic.


water in


Comments please i will have another update when i can be bothered to wire up a cathode and when i get my side panel.

Nice work there only concern i would have had is that the X2 block is sitting right above your psu hate to think what would happen if one of the bards decided to leak.

well to be honest mate there are risks with all water setups, you could say that the res's may leak onto my dvdrw and hdd or the top rad could leak all over my motherboard, graphics AND PSU. but thats the risk you have to take i suppose.

im glad you all like it i'm quite happy with it i just want the side panel to arrive and get my UV cathode replaced so i can get those wired in and you can all see the finished product.

at the moment i have nothing securing the tubing to the barbs (apart from the rad barbs) but 7/16th Masterkleer is normally okay on the barbs i chose ** anyone with high flow barbs will agree that it takes SOME strength to get the tubing off the barbs and im sure that my loop/case wont be subject to anything that would make them come off **

True that there is a risk but best minimize all risks you can for example you could try and cover the opening with a bit of plastic or something. I have had water leak out my nb block onto the graphics card but was using feeser 1 and the card is mighty hot all it done was left a purple stain.

well i think covering it or any such measures would ruin the look, i know that i have done everything i can to ensure that there wont be any leaks.

Wow, your cabling is non-existently tidyed !!!!!

I would pay good money for you to organise my case.

Well mate it just takes time and having the perfect amount of connectors on my psu helped, all the wires are behind the motherboard tray, most people do this and i bet most people would hate to show you whats behind there cos its a massive mess.

but heres one of my preferred pics of the build:


Fantastic build m8 well impressed!!

Where the hell do you buy cable braiding from?

Google : "cable braid sleeving" and you'll find somewhere that supplies it.

you can get psu braiding kits from some online pc shops but they are of a lower quality in my opinion

More Pics





EDIT: after i had to hack some of my case (the mess on the floor) i took this to try and get an idea of the lighting in the case


There ya go.

Hi Stevie G,

I had an idea to do exactly the same as you roughly before Crimbo but I haven’t got round to doing it yet as I'm waiting for newer hardware. I've got the Silverstone TJO7 Black with window panel case and I'm getting all the internals powder coated white. I too looked at the Sharkoon Silent Eagle fans. How good are they then mate? What rpm did you choose? What lighting did you choose as it's exactly what I had in mind.

It would be great if you could email me so I could get a bit advice from you.

Thanks mate,


the silent eagle fans i chose were the 2000rpm models to give me the option to run them at higher speeds if i needed it. at the lowest setting on my fan controller they run at 1000rpm and there so damn silent there great, they do still push quite a bit of air and ive never needed to turn them up.

lighting, i have 2 cathodes, white, one at the top and one at the bottom, i did plan on having UV in there aswell but at the end i couldnt be bothered, plus the uv cathodes i had broke.

If you need any more advice or anything im on MSN most nights - e-mail in trust :)


EDIT: Thanks for all who commented on my build. this was a tough one with all the problems i had but well worth it in the end. anyone wanting something so clean should spend some serious time braiding and think about motherboard cuts.

very nicee. i hope to do something like this one day when i have a job^^

good work, enjoy

im sure you just want to save up and buy mine :)

it served me well this build. very pleasing to the eye and has an availability of 44%... which means its used/on for 10 hours a day on average.

so its well used :)

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