Project warranty

3 Feb 2006
not sure
Hey all some of you may know my PC died well motherboard.
While I'm awaiting the RMA of said board once returned I want to do my first ever build log on it.

Specs are

i7 7700k
Asus Maximus ix Formula (currently with Asus)
Asus 1080
Samsung 256gb ssd x 2
Samsung 500gb m.2
16gb ram (she'll post make and model when next in garage)
Corsair RM1000I
Corsair H115i
BitFenix alchemy red cables
Shall post make of case as well when next in garage.

OK so plan will be test MB once returned on current test bench then once confirmed all ok the build shall start.

I'm not sure if I should purchase some cable combs or make them.
If one makes them I can account for the pin outs that have X2 cables coming out of one socket allowing me to keep cleaner lines (if I go this route I shall post pics of what I mean when designing them).

I also want to make my own gpu support bracket the 1080 is heavy even though the MB has them reinforced pcie slots I'm still not happy so might cut one of them out on me cnc machine while I'm at it.

Oh and one more thing I'm looking at getting a m.2 heats ink any one know if these are worth it or void warranty providing I don't remove stickers etc.

Any way watch this space :).


this was befor MB got sent away for RMA this is the test are.
You can see in pic I am testing with a spare PSU I had around etc





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Small update

Decided to mod the case to accept x3 140mm fans :O








That it so far as still awaiting on Asus for motherboard :(.

OK as I am going for a red theme I am going to paint some of the parts inside the case red so shall get some spray paint and post pics when done :).

Also how easy does the fan blades come off?
Never done it befor as I want to paint them red not that they will be seen TBH.
But the rear exhaust fan will be in plain sight.

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Just sopme little updates today been busy painting a few bits red cus.....why not.










Still no word from Asus on motherboard :( so just trying to find thinhgs to do while one is waiting....feels like forever LOL.
Quick question

I have decided to design and machine my own GPU support bracket.

I will have some engraved design in it I would also like to put


on it to would that be OK as long as I state that OCUK did not supply the part etc?.

I will have some engraved design in it I would also like to put


on it to would that be OK as long as I state that OCUK did not supply the part etc?.

You'll probably find it's the opposite to what you think. If OcUK didn't supply the part and haven't sponsored you in any way, then you're using their professional image for your own purposes, and even misrepresentation making it appear they've created or sanctioned a piece of hardware when they actually haven't. So in short, don't use their logo.

Plus I don't get why you'd want to put their logo on your build in the first place; you're not sponsored, you did the design and build, not them, why put their logo on YOUR project?
I just like OCUK and want to have there logo is all.

It was not going to be the main logo on the support bracket just have it on there some where.

A bit like the stickers ya get with


and they allow ya to stick em on your case etc just wanted OCUK some where in me build.

Thanks for replying though hopefuly once motherboard is back I can get to the best bits.
Though its been fun so far dabbling with what I can :)
The Asus and Corsair stickers come with Asus and Corsair products, so there's no misrepresentation to be had since you have their products in your system. Talk to OcUK about it and see what they say.

In fact, what does @Gibbo think of this, being OcUK's purchasing manager and all that?
Yeah if its an issue its totaly fine.

Infact dont OCUK do stickers I am sure I see them some where once?.

Any way watch this space hope to get her built soon.

Should make a start on GPU support bracket tomorrow :)
Just another small update today ordered some parts up in prep for when I get me motherboard back from Asus


Got some stickers and haribos what more could ya ask for realy.

So we have some clear cable combs
NVME heatsink as I hear these things can get toasty and then start to throttle
some awesome thermal paste (been using artic stuff for years but hear good things about this stuff)

Any way cant do much still as waiting on an important part for the PC LOL.

FYI gpu support bracket DID NOT GO WELL LOL.
I engraved and cut it out but when I came to bending it I messed it up sdo shall do another one at some point.

This was the engraving :)
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Another small update just sharing ideas etc

I am going to order some of this up soon

So I can use it to cover the cables from the power switch,reset switch,HDD LED etc etc. Should look nice.
I realy want to sleeve the tubes coming of my AIO cooler that would look realy smart in red but I am no way going to disconect the tubes just for this so I am thinking if I could slit the sleeving and wrap it around and seal it behind the part of the tubing thats not visable?.

I will also order

when in stock.

Any way sorry thats it for now :).
Still nothing realy to show.
Decided to just purchase a GPU bracket this one will need tweaking so shall do that once motherboard is back which is now seeming to take forever.
any way here are some more parts :)


Not really much to show tbh.
still waiting for Asus to give me back my MB.
they got till this Thursday then that's there 28 day limit :(.

Any way hope to get it started soon then the real fun begins: )
Thanks for the comments all well I have finaly got a motherboard and have some pics to share shall be uploading them a bit later on :).
Realy love the bitfenix cables and GPU support bracket I purchased.
I know I said I was going to make one but just decided to purchased one instead due to not being able to get on CNC machine.

Any way expect pics soon :)


My photo taking skills suck BTW :(
Thanks the back is a bit messy but its near impossible to keep it 100% spot on without actually maiing all the cables your self etc.

Still a few bits I want to do yet but I am happy with it :).
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