Project Wet Dream

Tea Drinker
13 Apr 2010
Sunny Sussex
Last year a neighbour knocked on my door panicking about the new RFL rules and how he didn't want to mess around with tax or sorning it so he asked if I wanted it for some pennies, I think it was £200, it may of been £300 I can't remember now.

Anyway the sun is out so I uncovered it and had a look.





It's not fast or going to be worth millions but it was cheap enough to get past the wife as a 'project' without too much grief :p

  1. New seat assembly, the metal is rusted to pieces so it's a new assembly not a recover
  2. New side panels
  3. New indicator

The rest is just tinkering, it starts and fires but doesn't run very well, the tank is rusty and fuel's probably been in there for years, I saw the guy riding it last year and the MOT has just expired.

Anyway I intend to fix it up to a good standard and see where we go from there, it's not bad for a 35 year old bike.

I think my plan might be to fix it up and strap it in to the back of my 30 year old Hilux which is project #2 and take them both round shows as they are from the same era ish :)
Cheers will try. It's only a crack. What are they made of? Wonder if leather treatment will soften them up or are they plastic?

Oh more bits arrived

Well she fired up tonight with much protest and kicking. Sounds awful definitely fuel starvation as it only run with the choke closed and throttle full open.

Carbs off next. Nicely it came with a set of carb rubbers. Any idea if the sonic cleaning is any good?
The rears were okay. The concertina worked and I unscrewed the plate that holds the throttle cables to get it finally out.

tomorrow a mate is coming with some compressed air and we are going to give it a go to clean them up and set everything correctly. Then a new choke cable before refitting.
All cleaned up. One of the jets were clogged solid. Everything else looked okay.

M&P sent me a choke cable that turned out to be a speedo cable. Give them their due they are sending the right one foc and I can keep the speedo.

Need to sort the tank out its full of stale petrol and needs a fuel filter.
have you started it yet? does it live?

Carbs are cleaned and ready to go back on
Battery is charged
Fuel filter here
New choke cable finally here (thanks M&P for taking my money when you have no stock)
Just need to have a proper look in the tank to make sure there's not excessive rust then some fresh fuel

So no

But not that far :p
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