Project Wrap

30 Oct 2011
Hey guys.

I've just finished building my new system (in sig) and although it was fun, it was still very stressful and felt a little restricted.

So... The plan is to get my old case, and mod it. At the moment it looks horrific, but hopefully after some work it'll look a bit better :)

Here's the case in mind. Ugly as hell :(


Anyone guess the initial plan for the build??
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ugly case, kill it with fire!!!!
just got into modding my own case, good luck with modding it, hopefully it turns out well
You have got to be one creative *person* to make that case look nice.
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I "modded" one of these cases recently.

I say modded all i really did was spray it black and put some new system fans in it.

Served me well though and kept my components pretty cool.
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