Projector advice

23 Jan 2005
Hi I have been looking for an epson tw9300 for a while now and have given up on finding one so started saving for a 9400, now unfortunately have landed a large vets bill and have dropped down my expectations. So looking at the benq W2700 now or should I wait till I can go for the 9400. Bright room with blackout curtains watching Apple 4K movies and streaming apps on the Apple TV, 3m throw. So wait for the 9400 or buy a 2700 ?
I recently upgraded my aging 1080p Epson 3200 to a 9400 and I've been really impressed, definate step up and I would say if you can stretch it is well worth it. I considered the 7000/7100 and I wasn't very impressed with the black levels, I had to discount the 7400 due to it being older, and not supporting 4k60 HDR - might not be a massive issue today but my last projector lasted me almost a decade and I want this one to last as long!
Looked at the 9400 cut a hole in my wall to accommodate it then got hit with a big vet bill and since then been looking for a 9300 but any longer awaiting and I might as well put it on a long purchase credit card
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