I've got a cheapo ebay motorised projection screen from about 3 years ago that doesn't roll the screen up anymore. Over time the bit left out is getting longer and longer, and is now about 40cm showing when it stops rolling up. Also when rolling out, it now goes past the bottom stop and winds it self back up, a similar amount at a guess.
So it needs adjusting, but I can't find any adjustment screws in the projector itself, inside by the motor or on the outside.
The controller box has 'electronic limiter' on the back and you can feel a relay move inside when it gets to the point it stops.
So before I ditch it for a better one, has anyone come across a way to adjust this type of screen?
I've got a cheapo ebay motorised projection screen from about 3 years ago that doesn't roll the screen up anymore. Over time the bit left out is getting longer and longer, and is now about 40cm showing when it stops rolling up. Also when rolling out, it now goes past the bottom stop and winds it self back up, a similar amount at a guess.
So it needs adjusting, but I can't find any adjustment screws in the projector itself, inside by the motor or on the outside.
The controller box has 'electronic limiter' on the back and you can feel a relay move inside when it gets to the point it stops.
So before I ditch it for a better one, has anyone come across a way to adjust this type of screen?