Projector screen

10 Jan 2012
I got a Optoma HD141X alittle while ago.
The room I want to put it in for movies is completely dark, matt black walls, dark brown floor and no light at all, its completely bitch black inside.

What would be the best screen for the projector in terms of contrast production (while not being really costly) I'm used to a Panasonic plasma so I like blacks to be as dark as possible so something that will let the blacks be as dark as they can while keeping the pop of the image is what I want.

Or I can paint the wall with a specific paint, that wouldn't be a issue if it work out better.
Looked around and grey paint seems to be popular?
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How does it look on the black wall? I have a Optoma HD141X as well and i painted my wall light grey, unfortunately Optoma's blacks are a little grey by nature and no amount of fiddling will fix it, but it's a great picture overall, especially for the price.

But i am curious what the blacks are like with an Optoma projected on it
Got this projector coming in the post, did a lot of reading beforehand, best check out the avforums website there is a wealth of information on screens/paint. If your blacks are not deep enough for you in a completely dark room with dark walls you are going to want a grey screen. Have a read up over there (the diy screen thread has masses of info on paint types and surface finishes)

TL;DR Get a grey screen, darker the grey the darker the blacks. Too dark a screen affects white brightness.
I tried using a grey projector screen once with my Optoma HD33... Hated it!
The blacks may improve but to massive loss of color vibrancy IMO...

Matte white screen works best for me personally! ;)
This works well with my setup


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easyrider what screen is that? link?
Also if its not too bothersom could you show a widescreen movie? I would like to see the black bars.
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