Projects Car 3 or GRID

5 Dec 2008
Fancy an another arcade racer after finishing Dirt5.

I have done all I want to with Forza Horizon 4 too, I know the original project cars were more sim but apparently 3 became more arcade wondered if any one here could give there view?

If not out of the two would Grid be better? I really liked the original grid when that came out years ago

Both would be played with a pad, I don't have any form of racing wheel set up
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I've only heard negative things about Project Cars 3, but thats coming from a SIM racers perspective. Considering you've mentioned GRID it looks like you are after an arcade racing game so i'm sure you won't go wrong with either.
In spots Pcars 3 is fairly decent, not a patch in terms of content compared to no 2. The grind doesn't feel connective a never ending mash of different unlocks you won't care for, and the class events constantly need to you swap out your car for another you'll use once or twice or up/downgrading whatever you have at a cost. It feels very much bolted on for the sake of it, nothing like the addition of a haul on gran turiss.

Multi is was pretty much doa, and there's some awful unbalanced impossible challenges just like before. Worst is what compelled me to pre-order, the 'best in class VR'. Don't even think of buying it for that reason, the lighting system is completely shafted on evening settings, the whole screen resembles a PS1 title. Performance falls through the floor in overcast and certain rain conditions too, persisting after upgrading a 2080ti to a 3090.

As the developer changed hands to a new publisher, namco have just been shoving out shameless dlc releases on a seeming never to be fixed broken base product.
I have both, had GRID for a while but PCAR3 came up for £11 on cdkeys yesterday so thought why not.

UTTERLY DISAPOINTED! My system is way above the minimum, far into the recommended requirements and it was running ok but not great 40-50fps right up until it rained! suddenly sub 20fps stutter fest to point it started making me sick so I turned it off. What sort of optimisation is that!

GRID all the way, much less money and put together properly
UTTERLY DISAPOINTED! My system is way above the minimum, far into the recommended requirements and it was running ok but not great 40-50fps right up until it rained! suddenly sub 20fps stutter fest to point it started making me sick so I turned it off. What sort of optimisation is that!

Makes me wonder if it has a volumetric clouds setting that is tanking it. Try turning volumetric clouds off and see if it helps
Makes me wonder if it has a volumetric clouds setting that is tanking it. Try turning volumetric clouds off and see if it helps

Found this is which is interesting, gives a break down of the all the graphically settings that effect performance, one making 35-40% difference! - Project CARS 3 PC Benchmarks, Performance and System Requirements | Tom's Hardware (

Going to give the settings a go later on.

In some positive news, it seems to run nicely in VR

As a side note, from that link above it seems it is seriously lean't towards Intel and Nvidia hardware performance wise, so they may make a difference for people
I have to be maybe a bit more fair, I have the Xbox One version of the game and i think its 30fps locked my one X. The actual game content is actually pretty good and I have enjoyed it more than the reviews would suggest. Its by no means a sim like PC/PC2 but the game play is good on its own merits and the sound engine is really good. The TT RS when tuned up makes some wonderful noises!.

When I found it for a tenner on cdkeys for the PC version last night I was really excited to be able to turn the eye candy up and enjoy it in a better form. That is what really upset me as I know that my PC is considerably faster than the OneX console and it runs that badly. If i get the performance to improve i will be a lot happier, shame to have to sacrifice quality because of lazy coding though.
I can confirm that turning off super scaling has transformed my performance. Still a noticeable drop, but is from a solid 60 VSync down to around 40fps which is more respectable.

Seems to be a widespread problem. Guy on reddit was complaining that his 3080 was bombing to low 30's at 4k and only way to hold a solid 60fps was by running mid settings at 1080p
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