Promise not to laugh!

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
I finally bought my one way flight to Thailand for the 30th December. My adventure is officially taking place!

Now, I will be going to Vietnam, Hanoi. I intend on spending a month in Vietnam riding fron Hanoi to Saigon. Yes, like off Top Gear. But the opposite route.

Anyway, my question is this, and please no laughing.

I've never owned a 2 stroke... I have no idea about oil/fuel mixtures. If I guy a Minsk (unlikely), I will be screwed. Can someone explain to me the reasons for the oil so if something goes wrong I can at least think if the fuel has played a part of not. And secondly, how annoying is it? And will I have to keep a HUGE tub of oil on me at all times?

Two strokes are total loss lubrication on the top end, hence the need to mix oil & petrol before it finds its way into the combustion chamber, some bikes have seperate oil tanks & some do it the old fashioned dirty way & mix in the petrol tank, so as you fill up you add a set amount of oil to the gas tank as well to maintain the correct oil/petrol ratio.

Allways carry a spare bottle of oil with you, irrespective of wether or not the bike is mix in the tank, or seperate oil tank injection, and if you fail to maintain the correct oil/gas ratio it'll either nip up pronto, or run like a smelly, oily pig.

Enjoy your two stroke escapades, thankfully it's been decades since i last rode one of the fowl smokey beasts. :p
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Two strokes are brilliant but sadly not too reliable in general. I would always say to run a slightly richer mixture in your case as its usually poor fuelling that causes seizures. In the back of beyond you cannot take the risk. Good luck with the trip.
The crank bearings, big/little end and piston are lubed buy the oil that's mixed with the fuel.

On the compression stroke, fuel/oil/air mix is drawn into the bottom end of the engine where it transfers to the top during the power stroke, lubing things on the way.

Most 2 strokes have an oil pump so you just keep it topped up. (doesn't use much) If it doesn't, Pre-mixing is extra hassle on a road bike, most have a slightly different ratio, you'll need to find out. Some are around the 40:1 mark. (25ml to a Liter)
Is it worth just getting a 4 stroke 125 or something then? Seems like a lot can go wrong that I don't want to go wrong out and about.

And yes, I will keep you guys updated, however. God knows how haha.

Thailand > Vietnam > Philippines > Australia. So might be a few months until you hear from me when I land in Oz!
If would personally go with cg125 the old versions are just about indestructible I am not sure what they are like now, good push rod engine.

Or for a laugh a crash gear C50/C70/C90 you can go to the moon and back on one of them and do about four billion to the gallon.
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Get a C90.

I've run, stripped, rebuilt, blown up & crashed 2 strokes only the other year so if you want a full chat I can tell you what you want to know but if it was me I'd go 4 stroke & get a C90.
I finally bought my one way flight to Thailand for the 30th December. My adventure is officially taking place!

Now, I will be going to Vietnam, Hanoi. I intend on spending a month in Vietnam riding fron Hanoi to Saigon. Yes, like off Top Gear. But the opposite route.

What a completely awesome adventure, I'm very envious (apart from the heat which I just couldn't stand).

With a two stroke there will either be an automatic oiling system, in which case you just have to top up a tank occasionally, or you will need premix where you add a shot of oil into the fuel tank. You need to a maintain an approximately fixed ratio that depends on the bike, usually somewhere in the range of 20:1 to 50:1.

I would echo other peoples advice and go for a 4 stroke Honda step-through then you don't need to worry about it (other than checking engine oil level occasionally). If possible I'd go for the C90 as the C50 is a wee bit underpowered.
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