I wondered if anyone had any experience in investing in to either of these two methods and would share their experiences? Particularly VCTs. Imagine you had a large sum of money you had fortunately inherited to throw down, which would you choose and why?
Currently weighing up which option to pursue and having spoken to a financial advisor he has suggested VCTs are a more savvy option given the savings you can make on tax predominantly, but I’m interested in hearing from those with experience of previous investment. It’s easy to find examples of people’s experience with property but not so easy on the VCT front. Therefore if anyone had any experience of them please share!
Currently weighing up which option to pursue and having spoken to a financial advisor he has suggested VCTs are a more savvy option given the savings you can make on tax predominantly, but I’m interested in hearing from those with experience of previous investment. It’s easy to find examples of people’s experience with property but not so easy on the VCT front. Therefore if anyone had any experience of them please share!