Proposed Duty on vaping products

30 May 2005
I was a smoker until around 6 years ago; I switched to vaping mixing my own liquids using pharma grade PEG and V.G. bases with no flavouring ( don't see the point in flavours and have an addictive personality), 0-3mg per ml. The proposed duties ( prior to "Public Consultation" { probably the most informed group in the world due to social media}),would see a levy of £1.00 per 10ml of nicotine free e liquid increasing with nicotine content.
Whilst fully aware that nicotine is toxic, I am personally not aware of a significant outbreak of solvent related respiratory issues ( exposure to either PEG or V.G. commonly used as bases would be acute for vapers) within the last 8 or so years, so would wonder if this was some kind of "cash grab" that'll use Public Health ( we're constrained by the same rules as smokers in public spaces and I personally haven't smoked in the house since we had kids 22 years ago) as a tagline. I wholeheartedly condone a ban on disposable vapes, but can't help feeling that this one's a punishment for not paying whatever a packet of smokes costs theses days. If funds are required by central government, why won't they have the cojones to admit it and raise basic income tax rather than pile another optional "levy"( maybe it's an election winner as they won't have to implement it).
Rant over.
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