Proposed retirement of StompMonster

18 Oct 2002
As some of you may have noticed, the StompMonster hasn't been in production for quite a while.

There are a number of reasons behind this slacking:

The main reason is that some bad weather late last year tried to remove the roof of my garage (which is attached to my house) - this is where Stompy lives. Since then, I have had to switch all electrical appliances off in the garage, including Stompy, more than half of my farm and my main server, as the roof now leaks and it isn't safe to leave things powered up. I have also had to move all of the equipment to a dry part of the garage, further away from mains power and LAN connections.

Real life has also had an influence, as my job has ramped up considerably for the last 5 months. I am currently working on an international project that has required a lot of travel and long working hours. I don't have much time left over for housework, never mind house maintenance and hobbies. I am planning to take some time off in late March / Early April, when I can start on the major project to replace the roof on my garage, if other plans I currently have don't work out.

Last, but no means least, I'm looking into having a major extension built onto my house. This will require the demolition of the garage, as well as trying to find a home for literally tons of accumulated items whilst the building work takes place (I'm seriously looking at renting a 20 foot container in the garden to store it all).

With all of these factors, I'm looking to officially retire from hosting the StompMonster in the very near future. I've been hosting Stompy since April 2004, but its getting to be about time that I hand the baton to someone new or we agree to retire Stompy gracefully.

There is also the issue that the StompMonster hardware is now starting to look a little antiquated (XP1600/1700 running Win98), more modern hardware is much more productive and energy effecient. So I would personally propose the potential retirement of the StompMonster in its current form completely.

If nothing else, I would like to kick off the debate as to what to do with Stompy from now on.
The StompMonster layers were as follows:

PC-Chips M841 Motherboard
Athlon XP1600 CPU
128Meg Memory
Small hard Drive (enough to hold Win 98 and SETI@Home)
Windows 98SE

I've got a basic website set up on Geocities that I did a while ago:

Old Stompy Photo's

There were 6 stompy layers in operation at last call, though 1 was starting to get a bit unreliable. The other layer had the CPU Fan header fail, which cooked both the motherboard and the processor (as in DOA, beyond repair). Whilst I hosted it, I had to replace all of the CPU heatsinks, a number of the PSU's and a couple of the hard drives died as well.

The 6 working layers were re-housed in October 2004 onto MDF shelves in a 19" rack. This allowed much better airflow, as well as much easier maintenance.
There were also another 9 or 10 layers that were never adopted by anyone.

I believe these are still gathering dust at OcUK HQ.

I'm not sure what's wrong with the dodgy node at present. Possibly a dying HD or PSU, but I've not had time to check it out recently. It's probably salvageable though.
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