Pros and cons of SQL?

3 Apr 2003
Hey guys,

Got an essay to do (well its only 500 words) about the pros and cons of SQL, somehow i have to fit this into 500 words which is going to be the challenge. I have no SQL experience at all as am only just starting a database module at uni, figured asking anyone with experience here for some pointers couldnt hurt. Not looking for a load of info to steal am just wondering what you would consider to be the BIGGEST pros and conns of SQL so that i know where to focus my research.

Cheers all
3 Apr 2003
They probably mean the pros and cons of SQL as a Structured Query Language.

Look into why its used for DBMSs' and not much else. What is the reason for SQL. Why not used elsewhere. Why are there so many different standards/versions per vendor.

I'm assuming stuff like that will highlight some pros and cons.

very helpful, thank you.

unfortunately to the one above, I can't just tell them it's pointless and not do it. Nor just write any old 500 words which is indeed easy. This counts towards my degree so I want to put effort and time into everything no matter how small.

Thanks again
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