Protecting images on your website?

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa / Oxford
I was just wondering what steps people generally take when protecting their images on the internet.

I'm gradually uploading images to my Coppermine gallery, but even though the largest image size is 800 pixels, I can't help but be a bit worried that somebody might nick an image.

Am I just paranoid? Or is it advisable to put a signature on each image? Ta :p
If you don't want people taking them, don't put them online. Putting a sig on them does nothing to stop them taking it, but it does make it identifiable if they don't remove it. I've stopped putting my gig shots online simply because bands kept taking them. You can embed your images in some Flash program. That does make it a little harder for people to get them.
cyKey said:
If you don't want people taking them, don't put them online. Putting a sig on them does nothing to stop them taking it, but it does make it identifiable if they don't remove it. I've stopped putting my gig shots online simply because bands kept taking them. You can embed your images in some Flash program. That does make it a little harder for people to get them.

Not if they know how to use the print screen button...

I would have thought the best way would be to put a watermark across the picture in Photoshop.
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TheBigCheese said:
Not if they know how to use the print screen button...

I would have thought the best way would be to put a watermark across the picture in Photoshop.

true, but the resolution isnt going to be very useable for anything!

watermark is probably the best bet :)
Unless you produce amazing photographs and make money from selling them, then I don't think it's worth worrying about. It's not like lost revenue. It's better to share a good photo than keep it locked up.
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