Protecting NetApp CIFS (McAfee or Forefront)

1 Aug 2007
We are implementing NetApp CIFS into the company and would like know what the best method is for protecting the data and what’s product is required to do this.

We are currently license for both Forefront products and McAfee VirusScan Enterprise. We are currently using McAfee throughout the company managed by ePolicy Orchestrator but we planning to use Forefront in the future.

How are you protecting your NetApp products?

It looks like I need to buy McAfee VirusScan Enterprise for Storage to protect the netapp. What is the Forefront equivalent?

Thanks for your help
Personally, unless the AV you are going to use to protect your NSD is different to the desktop software, is there any point. Yes it moves the scanning to the NSD, but it will still be scanned by your desktop client regardless.
I have to admit we dont use vscan on our netapp fas2050, but all clients and servers have mcafee 8.7 enterprise installed, and configured/updated using mcafee epo server.
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