Protecting your images from copying

6 Sep 2005
Hi guys

I've just shot my first wedding and am in the process of getting a preview album ready (I will be printing all the images on an Epson Stylus Pro 4800).

I am going to put a watermark on all the sample 6x4 images so people can't copy them but I'm wondering about the final shots...

Is there any way of stopping people ordering one 10x8 and then making many copies of it?

Obviously you can't do anything if they have a scanner at home but what if they take it to a minilab for copying?

How do you indicate that your images are copyrighted so labs won't copy them?
I did think of using sticky labels but they can be peeled off...I thought about adding rubber stamp mark to the back but that will probably rub off the photo paper which is slightly shiny on the back.

Does anyone have any suggestions or techniques they use?

Thanks. :)
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