I am currently running a lan at my house through an SBRU 10-100 (router). Which is connected to a speedtouch 510 (modem) which is consequently connected to the internet to provide internet access to the other pc's on the router.
I am also running Zone Alarm on all the pc's, is this completely necessary? Or will the hardware firewall be sufficient? The reason i ask is because ZA is a right nuisence, and blocks just about anything that even thinks about trying to get internet access. Also i cant be bothered to go find a new software firewall which isnt as annoying as ZA.
I am also running Zone Alarm on all the pc's, is this completely necessary? Or will the hardware firewall be sufficient? The reason i ask is because ZA is a right nuisence, and blocks just about anything that even thinks about trying to get internet access. Also i cant be bothered to go find a new software firewall which isnt as annoying as ZA.