
9 Mar 2006
East London
I am currently running a lan at my house through an SBRU 10-100 (router). Which is connected to a speedtouch 510 (modem) which is consequently connected to the internet to provide internet access to the other pc's on the router.
I am also running Zone Alarm on all the pc's, is this completely necessary? Or will the hardware firewall be sufficient? The reason i ask is because ZA is a right nuisence, and blocks just about anything that even thinks about trying to get internet access. Also i cant be bothered to go find a new software firewall which isnt as annoying as ZA.
I have a Speedtouch 510 and aslong as you have NAT enabled the windows firewall will be more than enugh for your needs.

This is the way i run and it works without a problem. The only computer that will need a better firewall will be the IP that is set a default server.
I.E. the computer that has all the ports forwarded to it for BT FTP and so on the others will be hidden from the internet via the NAT.

To find out what IP is default server open telnet client and connect to the router via tcp/ip login and type the following
NAT defserver

and it will tell you the ip of the default server.
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