I've written a help desk in PHP and MySQL for school which I've setup on an internal machine. Now, the help desk is working fine on that machine by using http://localhost but when I try and do it from another machine on the network by typing in it times out saying Connection timed out - 10061(I think), ISA server (Or something to that effect). Now if I go into internet options and change the LAN settings tab so there is no tick in the use proxy box, it works but then no other websites work. I thought it would be a case of using the 'Bypass proxy server for local addresses' box but it does the same thing I therefore came to the conclusion that it's a settings on the proxy but don't know where to start. The proxy is running windows 2000 server and clients are on XP Pro
Thanks for any help
I've written a help desk in PHP and MySQL for school which I've setup on an internal machine. Now, the help desk is working fine on that machine by using http://localhost but when I try and do it from another machine on the network by typing in it times out saying Connection timed out - 10061(I think), ISA server (Or something to that effect). Now if I go into internet options and change the LAN settings tab so there is no tick in the use proxy box, it works but then no other websites work. I thought it would be a case of using the 'Bypass proxy server for local addresses' box but it does the same thing I therefore came to the conclusion that it's a settings on the proxy but don't know where to start. The proxy is running windows 2000 server and clients are on XP Pro
Thanks for any help