Prusa Mini+

20 Feb 2009
Not where I'd like to be
Received my kit the other day and started building it yesterday evening ending up with the Y axis completed. This morning I've added the Zed axis completing the first page on the Prusa instructions. I've enjoyed building it, though I bought the kit as it was shipping sooner that the semi assembled, but the next Prusa machine I buy will be semi assembled.

Finished off this morning and now testing it. Printed the whistle off the USB stick and am now testing vase mode on it. I've connected with Octoprint but not getting the Octoprint logo on the display like I've seen on videos and photos online.
Hmm, not sure on this front - MK3S doesn't have that screen, but used octoprint for years with it. Usually just plug in and as long as you have correct ports, it should detect.

Not entirely sure why octoprint logo would appear on screen unless either Prusa have an integration or people are flashing the firmware..?
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