Ps 4.3 update and PS Store

21 Feb 2004
Updated now.
Ps store now takes a few second to load. The store itself has some elements similar to Xbox dashboard in that there are bigger, chunkier items.

Seems slower to navigate, although its early I think I prefer the previous set up IMHO.

There is a sound resembling a horn when the X button is pressed to make a selection. Sounds like a windows error sound.

Also now the store is a separate download.

What are your opinions?
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The Sing star icon would be less offensive if it wasn't the first highlighted choice when you turn the console on. It's bad enough that they feel the need to tell me I might start having seizures every time the damn things starts up.
As someone mentioned in a previous thread, its so bricks and mortar stores wont be put out of buisness by buying cheaper online.

I get the concept, sort of, but then cannot understand the point of anyone buying at this price....which then means that there will be hardly any sales at this price....which then leads to the below :

Hmm not likely I'm sure, just that psn sticks to the rrp before they make their own discounts.

....until finally becomes a genuine choice (i.e. price online for convenience etc., or buy from store for trade-in-ability-and-physicallity)

This is exactly the problem with DD games on PSN currently, for me - I like to play the games, but then - once completed - am done with them (not really a multiplayer fan, you see). From a physical copy, I can trade in for whatever (doesn't matter too much) and get something else.
Cannot do this with a DD variant, and hence it is almost always considerably more expensive a purchase, and why I have not really bought.

I guess my point is that common-sense to me is a comparable pricing structure; bricks and mortar stores are good, I don't want to see them disappear any more than they already have, and I would be happy to buy from PSN direct too, were the pricing more competitive. A good example game for me is GT5 - would happily have bought this as a digital version, as it is not the sort of game I would complete (like, say, a story based game) and then get rid; much of the game is about continuing racing challenges etc. - I really don't think I will trade this whilst it still has any value of note. But.....let's take ME3 as an example, once story completed, I would not go back to it and thus would welcome pulling some of outlay back, to use against, say, Dishonored...and so on.

Anywhooooo, bit off topic :rolleyes:
Hmm not likely I'm sure, just that psn sticks to the rrp before they make their own discounts.

No, it's very much the reason. Even with competitive pricing, many (if not most) people would still buy games from 'traditional' retailers so the last thing Sony or MS want to do is alienate them, otherwise they'll just refuse to stock the games or hardware in the first place. Look at what happened with the PSP Go; many retailers refused to stock the hardware because they weren't going to be making any money on it.
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