PS question for the Gurus

2 Nov 2006
Hi all,

I have a large image has a background. I need to lighten part of it I guess using opacity.

I remember seeing a tutorial a while ago that showed you how to lassoo out the part of the image you wanted then you shift deleted and the selected part stayed dark but the background lightened.

I want it the other way around. Can anyone help?

JonD said:
Select -> Invert Selection :confused:

I dont want to invert the selection. I want that to fade and the background to stay light. Also, it deletes the whole selected area. I just want to fade it
if you are trying to lighten the part that is highlighted could you not overlay it with white and then adjust the opacity?

im no guru and im sure this is a shoddy way of doing it but sound slike it would work?
Ok, hope this helps


See the bit selected. I want to lighten what is inside here whilst leaving everything outside of it the same level.

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can't remember menu option (I don't have PS anymore) but it's as simple as selecting format > brightness and contrast from the toolbar. Names may vary and format may be layout or layer.
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