Ps2 development

yer_averagejoe said:
yeah i know about thisand also my lecuturers website:

I just wanted to know if anyone was currently dabbling with the sdame field?

Ahh CGT @ Abertay ;) He was my lecturer also, and my mate (Jon Hobson) wrote those tutorials linked to on that page.

I've dabbled with PS2 development and I wouldn't take it lightly. Probably the best thing you can do is follow those tutorials. I have some source code floating about from when I did it but they basically mirror those tutorials.

He's got a website with the source code for a few of it PS2 game demos, but it seems to be down at the moment. I'll find out what happened to it and post back.

Also, good luck :-)
you were on this course? what did you do after it?

I'm actually in a lab right now, hung over and can not be bothered.

Yeah, henry has sample games from the last few years of students up on the intranet. I'm not sure he's included the source code with them though.
yer_averagejoe said:
you were on this course? what did you do after it?

I'm actually in a lab right now, hung over and can not be bothered.

Yeah, henry has sample games from the last few years of students up on the intranet. I'm not sure he's included the source code with them though.

Indeed he hasn't, which is why I was going to ask Jon if his stuff was still on the Internet somewhere with the source code. Alas, it's not :(

Yeah I was on the course, graduated with an ordinary degree with distinction. I got some interviews soon after but personal circumstances forced me into taking a couple of jobs in desktop support. Now i'm working as a PHP developer for a web company and thoroughly enjoying it. It suits me fine to be honest; after Uni I was so burnt out from writing games that I couldn't face doing it for a living anyway, especially after discovering that the games programming industry isn't as elite as it is made out to be.

Jon works for Kuju Entertainment now, and got a job in the industry just before the end of 3rd year, so the opportunities are there for the right people. Just depends on how much you want it I suppose.
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