PS2 or DC using a TFT monitor???

9 Jul 2005
How can i get my PS2 and Dreamcast to work with a TFT screen? I only have one input on the TFT which is the typical monitor one for the pc.

With the PS2 you will require a VGA box or a GPU with VIVO and dscaler.

I believe the dreamcast has a cable, though I am not sure.
With the dreamcast you have to get a VGA box (i had a blaze one that worked well), it increases the resolution to 640 i think but isnt compatable with all games, code veronica is one that spring to mind, did look fantastic on msr ect though, output is standard VGA d-sub. I'm not sure how difficult they are to find now, very i expect, as nokkonwub says for the PS2 you need a non machine specific converer box which can be expensive and generally poor quality, best bet imo is a vivo graphics or TV card or get a new TFT with s-video imput as standard.
I have one that's made by GAME. Works really well. I'd say your best bet would be to go Gamestation and ask them. They always seem to have a tat laying about. (not that the DC's VGA is tat of course ;) but you know what I mean.)

I'm sure Gamestations website has a list of stores. Phone every single one round the country for I am sure they will post it to you.

Edit: I am refering to the DC in the above as I wouldn't know a thing about the PS2.
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