Ps2 pad & BF2?

19 Oct 2002
a dark place
ive got 2 diff ps2 pad to usb adaptor one is made by soyo and aint made any more, and a joy tech one sold by an rival. now i can preety much setup both adaptors to work with any game but can not set it up for jeeps/planes/choppers in bf2. i do remember a thread a while back that had a fix of some sort but cant find it. anyone know what it was?
Erm, he specified "jeeps/planes/choppers", all the non-FPS parts of BF2, and far easier to control with a gamepad/joystick than a keyboard and mouse. ;)

As for your problem, I don't know offhand, but my housemate had that setup when he played, so I'll ask him when he's in. :)
i know a lot of people who use keyboard and mouse for planes and choppers fine.
but i cant get to grips with it ive tried a lot crahed a black hawk far too many times.

thanks weebull i'll owe yah one
I've used an xbox360 controller and found that using the controller with the jets made it a lot easier to control. The helicopters were easier to control with the keyboard and mouse though
comeon, i remeber when bf2 came out a few peeps on this forum found a way to config ps2 pad for bf2
Yaka said:
i know a lot of people who use keyboard and mouse for planes and choppers fine.
but i cant get to grips with it ive tried a lot crahed a black hawk far too many times.

thanks weebull i'll owe yah one
i just use the keyboard for flying, no mouse... am I strange?
Can't believe you lot who don't use peripherals like pad or flight stick for vehicles!! The analogue makes so much difference for fine adjustments - especially in the helicopters.
Makes for a better gaming experience too imo :)
In DC, the best pilots always admitted to using K&M. It's possibly not true for the most part, but it sure takes skill to fly a chopper in DC. a lot more than it does in BF2 thats for sure.
OzZie said:
In DC, the best pilots always admitted to using K&M. It's possibly not true for the most part, but it sure takes skill to fly a chopper in DC. a lot more than it does in BF2 thats for sure.

It might just be me but i've always found DC choppers shed loads easier to fly than the BF2 ones, and they were much more enjoyable too I think.
Yes I used a ps2 pad with joytech on bf2 heli and planes. Heli is actually better on a mouse I find though the pad is ok for the plane & the pad is usefull as the mouse is pap

Xbox360 controller is better on both, jeep doesnt need a pad really but you can set it up along with boat, etc. You can even control the fps part if you like I think.

You need to mod the controls.con file directly, I forget the exact text needed. Do a search on the total bf2 forums or EA forums or gamespy, its one of those that had the details I needed at the time.

You can use it with HL2 and CSS also but mouse is definetly better, it just cant compete with that many DPI
ive tried searching mate and no luck, gess i may just get a wiored x360 pad, didnt wana get shame i cant use either of my 2 wireless x360 pads
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