PS3 £100

20 Oct 2004

Been offered a PS3 for £100 by a mate, sure its the 60gb version though may be wrong here. Now he says the control pad d/c itself and will only re-connect if you rest it which could be a pain if the game ain't saved etc.

Is this still a good deal, and is there a way round this?

He ain't tried anything, he doesn't have any receipts for it.

Think he got it slightly dodgy.

He ain't tried anything, he wants a slim. Think I may jump at this, even to sell it on ebay :p
Cheers guys! Most likely going to get it.

Another quick question, using a monitor just now. Can you use a PS3 via VGA?

O and who is she in the sig?
Has he upgraded to fw3.00? I heard there was disconnection problems with some types of ps3 controllers, might just be that?
£100 is what i paid for my 80Gig version new. From the Sony store as well :)

And how did this happen???? Answers on a postcard........;)
There are these ps3 to vga cables you can buy, seen some good and bad reports on them.
Retail for around £30.00
Sounds like a dodgy controller. £100 would easily be recoverable at auction so it's a np-brainer really.

£100 is what i paid for my 80Gig version new. From the Sony store as well :)

And how did this happen???? Answers on a postcard........;)

You work there? If not, email in trust :p
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