PS3 Cell power smoke and mirrors?

2 Mar 2004
An intresting read i have come across


At this year's E3 (or thereabouts) Sony proclaimed that their processor could achieve 200GFLOPS! However, according to IBM's white paper, only 155.5 GFLOPS was actually achieved (Table 4). BUT, IBM's tests used all 8 SPEs. The PS3 will only use 7 SPE's, due to manufacturing yield issues.

The efficiency of the Cell is 75.9% (Table 4), with of a theoretical peak of 201GFLOPs (Figure 5)--running 8 SPEs at 25.12GFLOPS apiece (Table 2). Similarly, the theoretical peak for the PS3's processor will be 176GFLOPS, using 7 SPEs at 25.12GFLOPS apiece. Assuming the same 75.9% effieciency, we could easily interpolate the PS3's Cell to be capable of 133.6GFLOPS.

The take home message is that with the PS3 being cabable of 133.6 GFLOPS and the Xbox 360 being capable of 115.2 GFLOPS, the PS3 is not nearly as far ahead of the Xbox 360 as we were lead to believe. we should expect relatively similar power coming from both consoles, processor power, and ease of programming all considered.

Not to mention that one of the SPE's in the PS3 are reserved for the OS and the bottlenecking of the data transfer between the SPE's and the on board memory. I see the 360 hand in hand with a gaming Revolution taking home this next round at least, if not the whole cake over time.
DaveyD said:
And how many general public members would be able to tell you what a GFLOP is, why it's important? Probably less than 0.1%.

It's all hype, I couldn't give a monkeys how many % better in GFLOPs the Cell will be than the 360/Wii.

It's as I've always said, they're going to be very closely matched, all of the consoles, and it'll be down to how much time developers spend on making good games that will make the consoles, along with sevices like Live etc, not who has the biggest gigafloppy to wave around the place.

My point is sony have been show to be full of BLEEP they stood at E3 in front of everyone and lied

If they are happy to lie to the people that will be making the games for the PS3 then what does that say about how they will treat us lot the gamers?
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