PiKe said:How many watts of power does the PS3 draw when folding?
GuruJockStrap said:Whats the cost of that if you leave it folding 24/7?
PiKe said:What 1KWh of leccy cost atm? Look on your bill.
JUMPURS said:Yeah, did you not notice the DC forum
I was wondering if it would be worth while setting up a PS3 OcUk on to see how it measures up to the PC boys lol
FrankJH said:I didnt see an obvious way to join a team on my ps3 so Im just folding in team "0" happily watching the world go round with all the lit ps3's (one in the middle of Russia it seems lol)
Its predicted to take 7 hours to do one WU - but dont think I will keep it going that long (continuously)