PS3 Folding@Home Team

27 Sep 2005
Burbage, Hinckley
I was going to setup a folding@home team for ocuk but noticed there already is one.

For anyone who is interested the team number is: 10

Yeah, did you not notice the DC forum :p

I was wondering if it would be worth while setting up a PS3 OcUk on to see how it measures up to the PC boys lol
PiKe said:
How many watts of power does the PS3 draw when folding?

I got one of those plugs which measure power usage i may plug it in and see how much it draws when folding. Guess it wont be that accurate but it will give me some idea. For example my PC uses about 360W when running 3Dmark 06, its not an apples to apples comparison but it will give an idea.
GuruJockStrap said:
Whats the cost of that if you leave it folding 24/7?

how much is a unit of electricity ?? i can add that in and it will work out pence per hour etc taking power factor etc into consideration
Yeah, did you not notice the DC forum :p

I was wondering if it would be worth while setting up a PS3 OcUk on to see how it measures up to the PC boys lol

Or you could be nice and join the proper team and help us break into the top 30 teams :)
This thread has made me want to start folding again... But I only have a humble Barton 1800... I need to upgrade, I remember the days when I clocked it to 2.5GHz (well... 2.45GHz) man that was elite :D
Ok had a look around for price per unit, it varies the first unit is say 15p (we wont count this as ) it seems to vary between 8 an 10p a unit. Some are reduced at night but i wont use that one.
Bit long but i thought id put down what i did so others can try with figures they get.
According to my plug it uses 210W max when folding. Need to find Kw is, so watts/1000 = 0.21KW. Then say its done 24 hrs a day thats 24*0.21 this gives us the number of kW/hours per day. So thats 5.04 units a day , multiply this by unit cost currently 8.66p for me, equals 43.646 pence a day!!!
Sorry to take a long way round, im an engineer not a maths teacher, but it may help someone! So its 43p a day or about £13 a month if its run 24/7
I didnt see an obvious way to join a team on my ps3 so Im just folding in team "0" happily watching the world go round with all the lit ps3's (one in the middle of Russia it seems lol)

Its predicted to take 7 hours to do one WU - but dont think I will keep it going that long (continuously)
FrankJH said:
I didnt see an obvious way to join a team on my ps3 so Im just folding in team "0" happily watching the world go round with all the lit ps3's (one in the middle of Russia it seems lol)

Its predicted to take 7 hours to do one WU - but dont think I will keep it going that long (continuously)

Well play with it and switch it to Team 10 as soon as you can :p
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