PS3 Hard drive, Max size? Particular brand?

17 Oct 2004
I have a 40GB PS3, and it is full!

I have game downloads, photos, and music on it. It shows a grand total of 1GB remaining!

Time to pull the drive, and put a bigger one in.

However, all guides I have found state that

MOST 2.5" SATA drives will fit a PS3.

Is there a particular brand that will/won't fit?

And is there a final definitive verdict on the 7200 5400 rpm debate, as in MUST I have a 5400 or will a 7200 work without cooking?

Many Thanks
I use my PS3 as a backup store for all my digital photos from my PC which take up about 13GB of Data (3 DVDs full) all my music in MP3 which is about 7 GB. I also have a backup files store from my PC containing documents etc. as an additional backup away from my PC just in case. Then I have a dozen or so demos. I also think that the PS store will start to sell full games more competitively soon, and films if they had any sense!

On the point of size, I'm looking at the Western Digital Scorpios in either 160GB or 250GB size. The difference in price is only £20 for an extra 90GB of storage!

Is there any performance difference between the two sizes? As in, would the larger capacity drive result in slower loading or any other anomalous results in use?


Lovely, will be seriously looking at the 250Gb jobbie towards the end of the month then!

PS If anyone at OCUK shop is watching, I'd really appreciate a week special on the 250GB 2.5" HDD towards the end of Jan!

Heres hoping!
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