PS3 in 2007 - more news

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa / Oxford
From the Reg:

No Sony PS3 in UK until 2007 says analyst

PS3 won't reach Europe until March 2007, says analyst
It's been a fairly tough start to the year for both Sony's PS3 and Microsoft's Xbox 360, but it looks like Sony's woe may be a touch worse. Industry speculation that Sony's projected release date for its PlayStation 3 console of "spring 2006" was looking unlikely, turned into open ridicule when a Sony source told a journalist that the PS3s shown at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas earlier this month were empty cases. Now, US analyst Evan Wilson says the PS3 will be released in summer 2006 in Japan, November 2006 in the US, and March 2007 in Europe, with a million units allocated to each territory.

Sony had promised a surprise in the way the PS3 would be rolled-out. If Wilson is right, the surprise is not the pleasant one some had anticipated - that of a global roll-out, or even Europe coming first, but the normal slap-in-the-face Sony last delivered with the PSP launch. European gamers come last, by a long way.

Microsoft would no doubt be laughing its socks off right now, having predicted a European PS3 launch of 2007, if it didn't have enough problems of its own. Analysts believe the company sold around 1.3 million Xbox 360s before the end of 2005, with some putting a figure of 600,000 in the US. Microsoft has now publicly ditched its target of 3m Xbox 360s within three months of launch, and replaced it with a target of between 4m and 5.5m sold by June. However, ongoing production problems that have left shelves bereft of Xbox 360s worldwide, will need to be solved quickly to meet that target. And Microsoft really needs those sales, as it only has a few months before the Sony PS3 arrives. It needs to sell the Xbox 360 fast in order to build the momentum to face Sony. We will have to wait and see if it can achieve that.

Nothing new really, but meh..
I read that too but tbh i am fed up with all these analysts jumping on the 2007/ps3 slipping band wagon.
Until Sony tell us, i am ignoring all these so called analysts, i mean not much to analys by way of the PS3 as there is no info etc about it.
I read that too but tbh i am fed up with all these analysts jumping on the 2007/ps3 slipping band wagon.
Until Sony tell us, i am ignoring all these so called analysts, i mean not much to analys by way of the PS3 as there is no info etc about it.
if there is no info about it that generaly surgests its quite a way off.
Sony had promised a surprise in the way the PS3 would be rolled-out.
Perhaps the surprise is that come spring, all the XBox360 branding will slip off our machines to reveal a big PS3 symbol? :p
deSade said:
Perhaps the surprise is that come spring, all the XBox360 branding will slip off our machines to reveal a big PS3 symbol? :p

that would be a surprise, i give you that ;)
It would certainly be the coolest thing ive ever seen :D

One games company buying out the other on the quiet and doing that lol.
deSade said:
Perhaps the surprise is that come spring, all the XBox360 branding will slip off our machines to reveal a big PS3 symbol? :p

nah mate, it will be round like the boomerang controller and they will literally 'roll it out' of the factories. :p
laughable if true. I'm not going to beleave it. But who would have predicted that it will be late, and europe would get screwed by sony......... erm everyone!
Its not exactly shocking news.
I like my x360! and I dont really care about the PS3, I fear sony have missed the bandwagon! but you know on japanise sales alon they will be fine!
I may get one, but its looking so long off, im just going to play my xbox and laugh at all those people who said they were going to wait for a PS3 sneaking off to buy an x360 in april when weve got some even better games! :cool:
deSade said:
Perhaps the surprise is that come spring, all the XBox360 branding will slip off our machines to reveal a big PS3 symbol? :p

Nah the surprise is that in the £900 PS3 box is just a big sticker that you apply to the side of the PS2 to upgrade it :)
i'm more than happy to hear that PS3 is to be delayed for as long as it needs. Because it's current design is crap and expecially the controller. they still need a lot of work to be done.
ben_j_davis said:
A whole year before all the Sony Fanboyism starts up again..... BLISS!!!!!!

amen to that. I'm sure it will be amazing. but the fact that the people are already shouting about how superior it will be to the x360 when sony havn't even annouced the spec yet. It could be a chocolate teapot for all they know.
Let them wait forever for the PS3 and the sensible people will play their x360 with quality games for annother 12 months or so, then get a PS3 if needs be.
If there is one thing we do know it is specs mean nothing, and 18 months game development on the xbox is a long time. I personaly will probably enjoy both, but there only one you can enjoy at the mo! :D
It seems silly to me Sony releasing their product in stages. This gives M$ the heads up it needs to increase its market share in the US and UK. Once the PS3 is out in Japan M$ can ensure that it targets the perspective Sony audience with the right apps and perfierals. It can also stockpile its console and do a "one off" price reduction just before the PS3 goes on sale.

Sony are mad to let MS get away with easy sales in the US and EU, because they do not want to do a world-wide release.

M$ are renound for their strong-armed business tactics. They must be laughing themselves to tears about this.
Sony aren't brave/stupid enough to do a Global lauch ;)

This can only be good news for MS, the more time the Xbox 360 has on its own in the market can only be good for its market share, also good for the consumers as it will give you time to see if blue-ray takes off before jumping in at the smelly end :)

Sony aren't brave/stupid enough to do a Global lauch ;)

This can only be good news for MS, the more time the Xbox 360 has on its own in the market can only be good for its market share, also good for the consumers as it will give you time to see if blue-ray takes off before jumping in at the smelly end :)


The Dreamcast was out a year before PS2. So being out first all the time isn't always the best thing.
Agreed but I bet they sell a lot more Xbox 360's than they do Dreamcast's, we all know how quickly hardware moves on, if the PS3 isn't going to get here until 2007 its spec is going to look pretty ordinary by then!

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