Ps3 local multiplayer games?

9 Jun 2008
I'm moving into a houseshare soon and we're all up for some gaming, it will feel quite nostalgic since I haven't really done it much since I was at school and I'm a PC gamer so local multiplayer has never been on the agenda. The days of taking my controller and games to a mates house are gone sadly.

I have a PS3 and was looking for some suggestions up to 4 player although 2 is good enough. These are what I currently have:

PES 2014
Playstation all stars battle royale
Everybody's Golf
Modnation racing

I am actually shocked in having to ask, what happened to local multiplayer games? Why are they so hard to find? I used to buy FIFA and enjoy the lounge mode but they took that off in 2012, pretty much a simple point league system that was excellent when it came to local multiplayer.

Anyway I think that's a conversation for another thread, any help would be much appreciated!
You know what a Gamecube sounds like a good idea, it's a real shame developers are less and less making games to play with mates who are actually in the same room as you.

I think Tekken sounds good, I was always crap at fighting games but hey can't win them all.

Cheers for all the input.
TimeSplitters 2...what awesomeness that was!

In the meantime I've gone and bought fairly cheaply a couple of playstation move controllers and a few games. I spent about £30 and ended up with 2 controllers, the camera, a navigation controller and 5 games.

I was actually shocked just how good Playstation Move was, and if it wasn't for a lack of games it would be seriously be one of the best things I've ever got for the PS3. Frisbee golf is mentally fun, table tennis etc. So yea, for now I think I'm sorted, although when a nice used gamecube crops up I think that will be a cool purchase too.
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