PS3 Purchase

4 Aug 2008
I want to buy a PS3,

290 for 80gb and KillZone 2.
I need another controller, also a HDMI cable, does the 80g bundle come with one?

I need advice on games if possible please.
Metal Gear Solid is a deffinate.
Resistance 2 looks good and 1 is cheap, any good?
Resident Evil 5 looks OK, probably this.
Has anyone played Armored Core? I loved it on the Playstation, I notice there is AC4 which is now cheap and AC:For nswer.
Drakes Fortune is only 15 quid, worth it?

I need some racing games also, Wipeout and Gran Turismo are things I have been unable to play on my 360 so that is easy.

I have SF4 on the 360 so to mix it up a bit how is the new Soul Calibre?

Yay. PS3 time. my Xbox scratching my SF4 disc has annoyed me. :(
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