PS3 WiFi Problem

29 Jun 2010
Hey folks,

I got a problem with my PS3...
I moved a few weeks ago and wanted to connect my PS3 today, but it won't work...
It says the connection works fine (when I test it) and is active, but whenever I try to connect it, it says it needs a system update, I start it and then it always fails at different points - sometimes I get to the download and it gets a disconnect error during it, sometimes I don't even get that far.
The connection should be fine - I'm using the WiFi all the time with my laptop and normal PC and there are no problems at all.

I got a Japanese special edition, but that shouldn't be a problem
I tried to disable the streaming options but still no success.
In my old flat I had it hard wired to the router but I can't do that here anymore since the router is on a different story ...
Kinda desperate by now - any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

I'd suggest carrying the PS3 upstairs/downstairs and hard wire it to the router to allow you to diagnose whether it's the wifi that's causing the issue. You've got too many unknowns otherwise!
Thanks, I'll try that ...
Still doesn't work and it's getting really frustrating.
It worked at my old place, though (was hardwired to the router there)
Thanks, I'll try that ...
Still doesn't work and it's getting really frustrating.
It worked at my old place, though (was hardwired to the router there)

have you tried to disable the security or change the channel broadcast just to see if it works? i used to get drop outs on the useless virgin router that i had
Is there an error code?

yes, it's 80710102 and it says dns error
"Funny" thing is, though, that I get the error at different points - sometimes it connects and starts to DL the system update but doesn't finish before I get the error, sometimes I don't even get that far.

have you tried to disable the security or change the channel broadcast just to see if it works? i used to get drop outs on the useless virgin router that i had

I'm not sure how to do that...
I got a Belkin N Wireless Router, but it's not been configured manually in any way since we got it (which was like 4 years ago)
If I have to update anything please let me know how ... total network n00b, sorry.

I would set the PS3 up next to the router and see if the wireless works then. If it does, then it would seem it's down to the range of the router.

I tried that, still doesn't work :-/
same error...
Try downloading the patch online with your PC.... i don't have a link handy but i know they're out there.

Then just chuck it on a FAT32 formatted usb stick. (x:/PS3/UPDATE/UPDATE.PUP) and update via usb.

WiFi on the PS3 can be flakey sometimes. :)
look at the back of the router for a ip address if there is none there google your routers model it will tell you how to get into it, you can also try and change the n range back to g which is what the ps3 is anyway. never had trouble with the ps3's wireless just routers i tried with it
Thanks a lot, guys, I'll do that!

How do I switch it back?
What will it change?
I don't want all the laptops and PCs acting up then just so my ps3 works ^^
DNS error means problem with the router, so the PS3 isn't the one at issue.

To access your router on your PC it's normally in the address bar (where you normally put Different brands of router has different IP addresses so do a google search if it's not the above IP address.

If the router asks for user and password, 99% of the time it's admin as the username and pass/changeme as the password.
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