PS4 - Zen Pinball 2 (OCUK Friends Challenges)

11 Sep 2011
Reykjavik, Iceland
rob9524 - put ZP2 OCUK in title as he ain't on here

As Zen Pinball 2 is now on PS4, although only 20 out of 35 tables for now then I thought I'd see who else plays it and get us all on each others friends lists to challenge scores etc - as a lot of the fun in the game is in doing that.

So if you want to post your PSN ID here for that then please do so.

Me and a mate had a fun time competing on the PS3 so I'll see if he minds if people add him too and post his ID if he agrees.

So far my best score was my 1st attempt at Dr.Strange @118m and I've got around that on a few PS3 tables like Moon Knight so that's about my level at the minute. 2nd in world on Dr.Strange so clearly not that many people have played on PS4 yet!!! :eek:
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I'm not brilliant at Zen pinball but I'm in.


Nor am I. :cool: Had a few lucky runs but don't usually score that highly. I just really want to get into the more social aspect of light competition and all that on the PS4 to make it more fun and interesting.

I'll add you when I get in later.
Yeah it's so much more fun seeing it come up how far away you are from beating a score. Bound to be some people who are just crazy good at it but I think for most people it should be fairly close a lot of the time - anyone can have a good run too.

I outscored my mate on all tables on PS3 but his Plans v Zombies score was double my best - just couldn't get a good run going on that table.

Loads of others were split by thousands or just a million or so.
Updated the OP list. Let me know if I miss anyone.

Now, if only it didn't keep saying 'sign in to see scores' 80% of the time!!!
Must be a bug or something because I'm signed into PSN and online but when loading up Zen it says i'm not.

For those looking at maybe getting tables, my faves for being fun to play on the PS4 are:
Star Wars - Balance of the Force Pack
World War Hulk
Doctor Strange

I have them all and my least fave are Epic Quest, Blade and Iron Man.

Some really good ones not yet available IMO such as Moon Knight (i love this character and the table is really fun).

Now, if only they would get out a Transformers one I'd be set. Haha. The sound effects would suit it perfectly. I'm talking comic book IDW or G1 cartoon transformers. *drools*
My Dr.Strange score was on my 1st ever attempt, haven't got near it since! lol

I get the bug where it doesn't sign me in so won't show any 'online' scores from friends etc. Bit annoying like. I just sign in with another account then back again and it usually works but hopefully they patch it soon. worst table is Iron Man and my mate hammered my score of 1.5m on it with 9,002,000 - notice he picked my worst one to

After 5 attempts I managed to sneak ahead with 9,060,000

Close call!!!

Some of the tables are really awkward - like where you go to unlock the mission but in doing so it often kicks the ball down the side. I guess you're supposed to unloick the kickback every time before aiming for the mission unlock to protect the ball but it's not easy.

It's amazing how much your scores can go up when you learn the objectives. If you know how to unlock the kickbacks, and the extra balls then just go for them as often as possible to protect from a bad bounce.
List is getting quite big now! Nice to know I'll have to keep checking all my scores!

Managed to hit Wizard Mode for the 1st time ever on a table (sorcerers lair) last night. 268 million. Smashed my previous best. If you get to that stage, the score goes nuts. It started the final mission and I got 120m+ on that alone.

Also just found out how to use the nudge to get the ball on the flipper you want it on. If the mission asks you to hit a lane and you need the right flipper, but the ball keeps going to the left....basically when it's rolling down the left flipper, push the left analogue stick 'up' and it'll hop over to the right flipper. Very handy!!

You can use the same technique when it goes down behind the flippers. But I haven't managed to perform this yet as it's tricky. Google 'Zen pinball death save' to see what I mean. Really hard, but only way we are going to score very big
Cheers for that mate, I unlocked Dr Strange table last night, was chasing scores of 1 mil, 2 mil, 5 mil and was like yea' I'm doing well here, then it came up 110 mil to beat your score lol :( Never really done score chasing like this before, it's fun.

lol yeah I got quite lucky on that. First ever go on the table and I finished 3 of the missions for 25m each. Haven't managed anything near since but it's a fun table.

Looking forward to score chasing, but someone has to beat me first! hehe ;)
First on every table except Epic Quest so going to have to sort that out if I can.

Mate Rob9524 said he plans to beat a lot of my scores over the hols when he's off - but we'll see.

Determined to learn how to do the death save like. Watching YT vids of really good players you can tell just by watching that the ball only ever goes where they want it to. They have complete control over it at all times.
Someone added me a few days back (not sure if from here or not) but now I've lost my 1st place on all but a couple of tables! lol.


Managed 1 death save yesterday though so at least I did it once - now I just need to get the knack of doing it every time instead of 1 in 20
I've got Friends on my steam list that shadows the scores in this thread.. some are into 500 millions on most tables. crazy, I just do not know how they get these scores...

Yeah mine was like that on PS3. Some people on there have scores of 10 billion. lol

Someone on my list now has a score of 1 billion on darth vader. Think he added me from the leaderboards - i accepted thinking it was from this site but now his scores just annihilate mine so wishing I hadn't. haha

Scores that big is just insane patience. There are certain things that are easy to do, and if you just repeat it 1000's of times you can go on forever. I watched someone on YT and they never hit the ball without first stopping it on the flippers. I lose a lot by just wacking it and it hit's an edge and goes down the side.
I find that if you can't see the scoreboard, then go into the PS4 settings (while ZP2 is still running) and test the internet connection. When you switch back to ZP2 the scoreboard should be fine.

Interesting - I'll try this next time it happens.

Have been getting the issue also. Haven't been on for a week as I've been quite busy on BF4 while all my mates were playing it. Back to work now though so won't be on that as much now during the week and will be playing Zen again
Hew, stop beating all my scores dammit. For a week after this thread started I was 1st placeon every table. Now I'm only 1st on about 5-6 tables.
Less now it seems as Earth Defence Force was one of them. haha.

Would love some more tables to be released. Some of the ones not ported yet are my faves (Moon Knight).

In order of preference, I'd love the following tables:

1 - Transformers (either 1 for each faction, or a war based one or something)

Transformers would fit so well with pinball. The SFX could be epic. I can but dream...

2. Green Arrow. (or just some DC characters in general)

Would be great if Zen made a deal with DC but possibly unlikely given how many Marvel ones there are. Hopefully they can do something though.

3. Some horror themed ones from the likes of Alien, The Thing, Predator etc. Or some other Monster ones would be cool.
Well I'm now top 10 in the world on the Boba Fett table, my eyes hurt, I don't think I blinked for about an hour trying to achieve that!
Good table once you get your head around it, its all about getting bounties though, and it get harder as you go on. I had over 200mil on the first ball (+2 extra balls), but then I struggled to push on, I needed to get more homing rockets really.

I keep getting caught out by how fast the ball arrives at the flippers compared to other tables. Reminds me of the Civil War pack on PS3 where the lane drops it in the middle of the flipper and it's hard to adjust to unless you just play that 1 table for a while.

All the tables are just about understanding it really. My scores typically go up x10 in 1 run once I figure it out fully.

Starting to get the hang of the deathsave move though. Can do it 3/10 times now so hope to get that up to 9/10!
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