PSN - Painful download speeds

15 Nov 2006
I've been downloading Tekken 5 for 10 mins now and I'm only on 4%...


Got a 20mb connection, canceled the download and tested my newsgroup and that was at about 2300 kb/s.

(Tried wired and wireless on the PS3)

Any ideas? Or do the Sony servers just suck?
Gerard said:
Id the same problem and never could get it resolved, is your ps3 a jap or american ps3 by any chance?
Nah UK PS3, I've tried everything now.

I know for a fact it's not my router or connection and wired/wireless = same results. :o

Long wait to get my hands on Tekken it seems. :(
McManicMan said:
Virgin Media?, traffic shaping i expect?
Traffing shaping is only 500kb/s and Tekken is going far slower than that!

It does a percent for like every 2 minutes. I've had the same problem with downloads being slow even before traffic shaping kicks in too.
McManicMan said:
don't matter, traffic shaping would be 500kb/s if you had many connections open, but its a single connection so will be a lot slower,
Well still I've had slow speeds like this when traffic shaping isn't turned on, I doubt this is even going at 150kb/s.
McManicMan said:
maybe your just on a over congested UBR, traffic shapping doesn't have to be on to get slow speeds on VM, look over at cableforums and you'll see tons of complaints outside of the normal traffic shaping period. Also i think in certain area's if your on 20meg then they are having problems also with speeds at all times, take a gander over on their forums, your not alone
My connection is fine though I always get the max 20mb speed outside of shaping and on my newsgroup, constantly 2300-2400kb/s.
I'm more than happy with the connection speed, fine for everything but the PSN.

Besides on the PS3 web browser using an online speed test comes up with very fast results. :o
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