psu 12volt query

Check with a multimeter.

I'm using the PSU in my sig, and my rails are tuned to give 12v, 5v and 3.6v (measured with a multimeter).

MBM, and any other software reading from the mobo reckons 11.1v, 3.1v and 3.5v respectively :eek:

You don't want more variation than +/-5%, ideally better than that.


12v = 11.4 - 12.6v

5v = 4.75 - 5.25v
acording to asusprobe lowest my 12v goes is 11.74 whilst running intensive games like fear and cod
my 5v stays very close to 5 again with same games

looks like its not a power issue then

back to sqaure one :(
I would say definelty test with multimeter.. i have one on order from the bay for the same test. Cost me under £6 including delievery.
how exactly do i test with a multimeter?
i can get hold of my dads but wouldnt know how to test my psu
(hes a plumber and checks for live wires under floor boards so wouldnt know how to test a psu with it)
To test the 12v and 5v rails is easy. On standard 4 pin molex there are 1 red, 1 yellow and 2 black. red is 5v, yellow 12v and blacks are ground. Stick one pin in yellow cable and other into one of the blacks to measure 12v and then use red wire instead of yellow to measure 5v.
To measure 3.3v rail you need to turn psu on while its not connected to comp. This is done by sticking a wire into on and other into grd:

The 3.3v rail can be seen here as well as 12v and 5v. Would expect the 12v and 5v rails to measure differently here compared to from a molex when comp turned on as power is being drained then
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What PSU do you have?

If it's a Antec Neo HE and you are using an Asus Mobo I would type "Antec Neo HE and Asus Motherboard problems" in Google and take a look.

If it's not then just ignore me :)
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Amps said:
I would say definelty test with multimeter.. i have one on order from the bay for the same test. Cost me under £6 including delievery.

No offence mate but a £6 MM will be about as accurate if not less than the voltage sensors on a decent mobo!!
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