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PSU cables

9 Dec 2010
I’ve been using the standard ‘piggy back’ style power cable to deliver power to my 3070.

Read online that it would be better to have separate 8 and 6 pin cables, rathe than one cable that splits?

Any advice on whether this is junk news or not? If it’s good advice, anyone suggest where I can find the separate cables for purchase on OCUK?
9 Dec 2010
Keep in mind that most PSUs now have a single 12V rail. So using multiple connectors from a single cable, or multiple cables makes little difference in load across that single 12V rail.

If you had a PSU with multiple 12V rails, using a single PCIe cable with splitter puts the entire GPU load on a single rail. So its possible the GPU could overload the single rail and cause the PSU to trip.
This isnt a concern on a single rail PSU.

The other concern seems to be around cables melting due to too much load being pulled. But I think this is mostly a non-issue. The PSU manufacutres obviously spec the wires inside the PCIe cable to handle more than 300W to cover both 8-pins at max 150W each.

I would not be concerned. Just enjoy your PC and game on. The 3070 is going to be drawing at max 250W~, barely enough to even need 2x connectos. (150W + 75W from the slot = 225W...)

Some folks just really want to scare monger...
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