PSU Died - can't get a 350W replacement!?

18 Oct 2002
Was wondering if anyone could help me - can't say I'm too impressed with Shuttle atm as it looks like I'll be on my 2nd shuttle, both of which have needed a new PSU in little over a year :(

For months I've been having what I thought was a HDD problem but it turns out the PSU on my SB25P has gone, powers on for a couple of seconds, then off. I've set about searching for a new one but it looks like the problem could be more serious than I thought, the SB25P uses a less standard 350W PSU, for which I could find no replacements on Google or the auctions.

I read on a US forum that in fact Shuttle may no longer supply them. Could anyone give me any ideas on whether a replacement is possible or even if psu's can be repaired (happy to open it if needed)? Or perhaps there's a 3rd party option. I'm thinking even if I can find one it's going to be around £50 in which case it'd hardly be worth my while :(
Thanks Tute, not likely to fit tho as Shuttle's are long and thin. Wasn't going to open to PSU willy-nilly as I know the capicitors hold charge but meant I could under instructions.

Was wondering if I might get away with the 250W SilentX PSU - I run a HDD, DVD-R and X850XT PCI-E.
Thanks WJA, that's very helpful - yes, first thing I did was put the part number into google but it only gave 15 results, none of which were any use!

I think the PC50 would definitely be worth trying, if I can just get hold of one at a reasonable price - at £60 plus delivery I'd seriously just consider selling the barebones and getting something else. Just not worth it when neither of my shuttles lasted 18 months :mad:

Edit: actually, the PC50's power connector is in the wrong place so that wouldn't work.

Anyone know why these PSU's fail?
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Yeah, that's more or less the one AJW (mine is actually the PC43I3502 but looks the same). £90 though! :eek:

Likewise with the hoojum, looks like I would be as well just buying something else. Can't believe shuttle screw over their customers like this! :(
Yeah, WJA, I realised that was the 400W version, I just meant in terms of form it's the same.

Have had a last minute repreive on this though, decided to remove the old PSU and noticed that the rear ATX connector had scorch marks. On removing I realised the plastic sheath had actually melted on one of the lines! Decided to try cleaning up the contacts and voila, it's running again. Needless to say I'm concerned as to why this has happened though.

I think this will unfortunately be my last Shuttle which is sad because the shape and size is perfect for my requirements. However, the fact that Shuttle will effectively cut you off when their hardware fails (which it seems to do all too frequently), the fact they didn't even reply to my email to request BUYING a replacement and the fact that they (financially) exploit you when you need a replacement is not on.
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