Afternoon all,
After getting all the parts together, I put together a new PC but it wouldn't post. The motherboard debug shows it as a CPU fault. After going through all the usual suspect; reseating CPU, CPU cooler, 1 RAM stick at a time in each slot etc. I tried my old PSU and the new system posts. Trying the new PSU in my old PC and it won't post (again showing CPU fault).
I think it's fair to say it is the PSU at fault and, due to the CPU fault on both systems, my suspicion lies with something to do with the 8 pin EPS. However I've used a jumper from my watercooling days and checked the pins and both 8 pin and 24 pin are the correct voltages.
So I'm a little stumped but I'd like to do what I can to prove it is the PSU before going through the RMA process but not sure what else I can really test without buying a specific PSU tester.
After getting all the parts together, I put together a new PC but it wouldn't post. The motherboard debug shows it as a CPU fault. After going through all the usual suspect; reseating CPU, CPU cooler, 1 RAM stick at a time in each slot etc. I tried my old PSU and the new system posts. Trying the new PSU in my old PC and it won't post (again showing CPU fault).
I think it's fair to say it is the PSU at fault and, due to the CPU fault on both systems, my suspicion lies with something to do with the 8 pin EPS. However I've used a jumper from my watercooling days and checked the pins and both 8 pin and 24 pin are the correct voltages.
So I'm a little stumped but I'd like to do what I can to prove it is the PSU before going through the RMA process but not sure what else I can really test without buying a specific PSU tester.