I'm putting together a new build. It'll either be for my daily driver or for a media server / transcoding machine. So the final specs aren't fully finalised yet. But I can tell you what I have, and what I might be going for.
My current system is this:
1 x Pioneer 16x BDRW Multilayer 128GB retail
1 x NZXT Phantom 530 Black Full Tower Case
1 x Intel Core i7 4770K 3.50GHz Socket 1150
1 x 16 GB Memory (4x4GB)
1 x Gigabyte GA-H87-HD3 Socket 1150 VGA DVI HDMI ATX Motherboard
1 x Crucial 500GB SSD
1 x Corsair Hydro Series H60
1 x Corsair RM 650W Fully Modular 80+ Gold Power Supply
1 x WD Red 6TB
1 x WD Blue 6TB
1 x Toshiba 2TB
Now, the motherboard will be changed out for a Z97 MSi Gaming 5 Motherboard, and it will likely be re-housed in a Corsair Carbide SPEC-ALPHA case, without the BD drive or the 2TB, and the SSD will likely go down to a Samsung EVO 850 120GB drive.
Now, for the other build, I haven't bought too much, apart from the cooler really, and it may or may not go in with the 4770k depending on where it will sit best. That cooler is a Corsair H115i.
The rest of the new system depends entirely on what AMD bring out and their pricing. I am looking at around £320 for the mobo and cpu. So if they can get out a 4c/8t CPU for around the £200 mark, and I can get a decent mobo for around the £100 mark I'm laughing. Otherwise it'll be an i5 I'll go for. Either option will probably have 16GB of DDR4 RAM too.
Anyway, with the AMD build, it'll be the server PC since I wont need a GPU for that machine as it will be run headless, and it wont have onboard graphics. If it's the intel build, it'll be my daily PC, and the 4470k build will be my transcoding machine / media server / back up device.
But I need a PSU for it. Something about the £50 mark. I doubt I'll need anything more than 400w, but it will be run 24/7 so would like reasonable quality, and would prefer semi-modular, but not absolutely required.
I should mention actually that either system could go in either case. I already have that 650w PSU and it is clearly overkill for my needs, but I can put that with the most power hungry build. I'll be trying to re-use as much as I can. I did think of just getting another 4770k or 4790k as I already have a mobo for it, and already have 8GB of DDR3 kicking about. But I am loathed to pay as much, or more, for a second hand CPU the exact same as I bought new 2 years ago.
Any suggestions?
My current system is this:
1 x Pioneer 16x BDRW Multilayer 128GB retail
1 x NZXT Phantom 530 Black Full Tower Case
1 x Intel Core i7 4770K 3.50GHz Socket 1150
1 x 16 GB Memory (4x4GB)
1 x Gigabyte GA-H87-HD3 Socket 1150 VGA DVI HDMI ATX Motherboard
1 x Crucial 500GB SSD
1 x Corsair Hydro Series H60
1 x Corsair RM 650W Fully Modular 80+ Gold Power Supply
1 x WD Red 6TB
1 x WD Blue 6TB
1 x Toshiba 2TB
Now, the motherboard will be changed out for a Z97 MSi Gaming 5 Motherboard, and it will likely be re-housed in a Corsair Carbide SPEC-ALPHA case, without the BD drive or the 2TB, and the SSD will likely go down to a Samsung EVO 850 120GB drive.
Now, for the other build, I haven't bought too much, apart from the cooler really, and it may or may not go in with the 4770k depending on where it will sit best. That cooler is a Corsair H115i.
The rest of the new system depends entirely on what AMD bring out and their pricing. I am looking at around £320 for the mobo and cpu. So if they can get out a 4c/8t CPU for around the £200 mark, and I can get a decent mobo for around the £100 mark I'm laughing. Otherwise it'll be an i5 I'll go for. Either option will probably have 16GB of DDR4 RAM too.
Anyway, with the AMD build, it'll be the server PC since I wont need a GPU for that machine as it will be run headless, and it wont have onboard graphics. If it's the intel build, it'll be my daily PC, and the 4470k build will be my transcoding machine / media server / back up device.
But I need a PSU for it. Something about the £50 mark. I doubt I'll need anything more than 400w, but it will be run 24/7 so would like reasonable quality, and would prefer semi-modular, but not absolutely required.
I should mention actually that either system could go in either case. I already have that 650w PSU and it is clearly overkill for my needs, but I can put that with the most power hungry build. I'll be trying to re-use as much as I can. I did think of just getting another 4770k or 4790k as I already have a mobo for it, and already have 8GB of DDR3 kicking about. But I am loathed to pay as much, or more, for a second hand CPU the exact same as I bought new 2 years ago.
Any suggestions?
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